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Shoka is sleeping on the floor as a young boy sleeps in her bed being no one else then Izuku

Raditz flies over and sees Enji leaving the house 

Raditz drops in front of Enji "where is my brother?" Raditz asked worried for his younger brother 

Something changes the eye of Enji he looks to see a girl with a school dress "his sleeping but that's not important did you take a person!?!" he points at Ryuko 

"No she leached on to me" he says trying not to blush 

"Hey that's not true!!" Ryuko yells as Raditz covers his ears "so loud" Raditz says looking around for his brother 

as Ryuko jumps off his back 

"SHOKA YOUR MUNDERING MEEEE" They all hear the scream all of them rush up there opening the door to see a flying Shoka and a worried Izuku 

"Shoka what happened?" Enji asked looking at her

"well i wanted to ''''''"hug him""" but he must of been having a nightmare since when he touched me i started flying" Shoka says worried about Izuku 

Izuku lifts his head up "I'm sorry for that Shoka" 

Shoka rushes over and hugs her husband "your mine Izuku i will always be here" she says with a evil smile 

Raditz looks at his brother with a smile knowing that he has people that care for h- "Hey idiot i care about you" Ryuko says as she pulls him into a hug making him loss his though

Raditz walks off looking pissed off about something but Izuku was being held down by his girl and Enji had gone to work so Ryuko follows Raditz 

Raditz is sitting in the forest on the ground 'you had to destroy this world Kararot but you make people even me like this world but Vegeta and Nappa is coming i can't risk getting into loving this place like you I need to train so that I can protect this people i want to save this world' A thought like it was planned rushes though his head as Ryuko pops into his head 'yes even you i like you but as a warrior I can't let my feelings get in the way'

Ryuko looks on Raditz with a soft smile 

Senketsu: "what do you think he is thinking about"

Raditz turns his head to Ryuko "I can hear that life fiber that's weird"

Ryuko: "well Senketsu is the best!"

Raditz laughs to himself but looks to the sky "I can't with you humans with your emotions you change my brother so much and it's starting to effect me"

Ryuko: "Well that's good you wouldn't kill everyone" she laughs 

Mako pops out of a bush Ha i found you Ryuko! with your boyfriend!!!" she yells as the elite four pop out of the same bush 

Back with Izuku 

Izuku is looking outside "i hate heroes"   

Izuku KararotWhere stories live. Discover now