I love him!

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Shota (11year old ) is laying in bed trying to fall asleep due to overusing her quirk in training with her father 

as her mind started to wonder one thought popped into her head 

'Does izuku love me?' she thinks 

her face starts to turn pink "NO" she yelled trying to get rid of the though 

"we are just friend!"



'But i want to mean more to him' she thinks while being confused 

but as she thinks izumi walks in 

"Hey shota" izumi says with a smile 

Shota just lays there "what is Izuku taste in girl" Shota asked blushing 

Izumi:"you have a crush on him huh" she says looking sadly at her 

Shoka nods "i love him i hate we have to hurt him "

Lzumi puts her knees up to her chin "i wished he would give up already i love him so much it hurts having to hurt him"

Shoka looks over to Izumi "He is never going to give up"  Shoka says with a proud smile on her face 

izumi looks pissed off as she forces with her quirk more pressure on to Shoka "if we stop then he will die do you want that huh to see your love die " Izumi says with venom 

Shoka trys to get up but is stop by Izumi's foot "you don't love him" Izumi says walking off leaving 

Shoka crying on the floor

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