Where is he!?!

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Shoka wakes up in her bed after having a nightmare about Izuku Killing every Hero

She jumps out of bed to be meet with her family all happy and cheering ready to start there morning 

Shoka looks around wanting to see her husband but can't find him she starts getting more worried that he must of gotten lose or something so she calms down 

Izuku is training strong heroes around the world fighting and learning around the world 

3 months later 

Shoka is scared for her husband she walks up to Raditz "any thing about Izuku?"

Raditz looks at Shoka sadly 

She is walking home defeated walking with a limp not wanting to use more energy then she has to 

"Where is my Izuku!?" Izumi says to herself while pulling out a wooden board with photos of Izuku 

"I'm sorry my honey I should of stop dad then you could be with me" her eyes start to water 

Izuku appears behind Shoka covering her mouth "Guess who is ba----

Shoka turns around and slaps Izuku as hard as she can "You BITCH!?!?!"


"You left me and didn't tell me where you are going"

Izuku stands up "Hon"

"No Go away leave me if you don't want me around" she runs off 

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