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when izuku was just five after one of his daily beatdowns he could see that shota is very scared of doing much to izuku only freezing his clothes or if she was forced to she would freeze his foot all ways making sure that he had some socks on so that she would not give him frostbite

3rd person pov 

izuku lays against the wall defeat after a beatdown he looks over to see shota looking at him behind a bush seeing that she was really worried about him but scared if she stepped out of line that she may get bullied as well

shota looks around seeing no one than walks over to izuku who's hands are frozen she bents down and starts using her flames to unfreeze him 

izuku looks at her thinking it's a dream shot- 

she puts her finger over his lips" shhh if someone over hears us the bullys will find out" shota says looking over her shoulder making sure no one saw them 

5 mins later 

izuku's whole body is unfroze he pushes shota into a hug making her face match the same colour as her red hair 

Shota turns her flames on by accident due to the overload of love 

Izuku backs off as fast as he can making sure not to get burned by her flames 

Izuku: "i really hope that's not going to happen every time we hug" he says a little worried  

Shota blushs at this 

Shota picks him up "lets take you to RG BOY " 

she runs up the hill with izuku on her back sleeping

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