All For One

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Izuku is walking around trying to find a supermarket to buy some food for himself when he is stop by a guy with a hand on his face

"You will be coming with me" the man says pulling his hand on Izuku's arm making sure not to put his last finger on 

Izuku smiles to himself 'what's the worst that can happen' he thinks as he follows the man 

They are lead to a warehouse as the hand guy points to the door "go inside" he says walking away 

Izuku walks in knowing he can handle most things 

Izuku sees a tall man that is wearing a mask giving him air 

AFO" I am All for one all might worst nightmare but i think you may have taken that title from me since it seems you don't die"

Izuku smiles "no I was safe by someone" Izuku grab a senze bean out of his bag and throws it to AFO "Here it looks like all might did a number on you" Izuku says looking at AFO

AFO: "this is just a bean" 

Izuku: "Not it heals who eats it to full heath so you can eat them while i find a way to help you"

AFO Smiles "Your a good kid Izuku i would like to give you a quirk along with your power you will be unkillable and it will help you"

Izuku rubs his chin he explains what Saiyans are and how they befit from near death 

AFO Laughs out loud as he puts he's hand out "take this it is a quirk that heals you overtime but uses more energy when healing faster"

Izuku grabs AFO hand 

TimeSkip 3 hours later 

Izuku is smiling as he cuts his finger with a knife watching it heal "Just the quirk i'll need but i'll need to help AFO get a new body"

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