Chapter 1

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**This is a warning that this first part contains gory descriptions and death. So It's rated M for violence**

Summary: The day lady bone demon start destroying the empire and eliminating the emperor. But she also needed to keep her tool in check, so she commanded him to destroy the thing holding him back, his love for you and his daughter.

Now on to the story.

You held your young daughter close as you gazed into the eye of your former husband. The cold blue that emanated from his eyes, this wasn't the man you knew and loved. He was something else, something frightening and horrible. He held his bloodstained blade.

When did it go wrong? When did he become this monster you see before you?

You felt tears from your daughter as she was holding on to you for dear life. "Mama! What's happening? Why is papa hurting people?" She cried as you couldn't explain it to her. How could? You don't know what was possessing him to do this.

"Sweetie, That is not your papa... Not anymore..." that's all you could muster as he walked towards you both with blood-soaked katana in hand. Before he started to run, you bolted with your daughter in your arms into the house. You felt the swing of his blade was close behind you. Turning to close the door, you saw his unnerving grin before slamming the door shut and grabbing a nearby chair to slow him down. It gave you both enough time to run into the cellar as he busted into the home you both made.

You held in your breath as you tried to soothe your child. Trying to think of a way to keep her safe, you thought of your parents outside the empire. "My lady, we're going to play a game. Okay, you remember how you ran to your grandma and grandpa's home outside of the empire against daddy to see who's faster?"

She nodded in confusion. Why did you want to play a game at a time like this? "You need to run to them while I stop papa from catching up to you. Okay? Don't stop for anything until you are there and safe." You heard him upstairs walking into each room, flinging items out of the way while the doors shattered as he tried to find you both.

You held you're breath and heard him going into the farthest room, your only chance for your daughter to flee from the demon in your home. You quickly tip-toed out of the basement, carrying her closet to your chest to shield her eyes from the horror the empire had become. Shards of giant blue crystal erupted out of nowhere and destroyed buildings, entrapping citizens, some piercing through them. As bodies drop on the street, families cry out for lost loved ones, and neighbors attempt to liberate their friends from crystal.

As soon as you escaped the chaos, you ran into the forest near your parent's home. "Okay, my lady, remember..." You began to tear up, knowing this was the last time you'll ever hold her. "Don't look back, and keep running till you are safe and far away from here...." You choked on your sobs as you hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead. "Mama..." She utters as she tries to hold back her tears. "I love you, my little lady."

Before your daughter could say anything, a twig snapped behind you. Dread wanted to take over and paralyze you, but you knew you had to hold him back for your daughter. You turn to see the man you once adored smiling maliciously. It made your guts turn sour as you turned to your daughter "(d/n), run... Get out of here!" You shouted as you heard the crunching of leaves get farther away from you both, now in a stand-off. You knew you were not going to survive.

"Is this how you protect your child?" He spoke, sounding like a mad man as he laughed. "You mean our child!! Chief, what has happened to you?!" You shouted at him, clenching your hands into fists, holding in your sobs. "Destiny happened to me sadly... You both aren't in it." He utters before lunging forward at you. Without having enough time to respond, he held you by your neck and chuckled before slamming you into a tree.

You coughed as the air was knocked out of your lungs, dropping onto the ground, gasping as you struggled to stand. Only to feel a hand grab a fist full of your (h/c) hair and yank you up. You stood face to face with this monster. The cold blue of his eyes meets your weeping (E/C) ones. He was about to slam you into the tree again until you both heard a woman's voice coming from behind him. "This has gone on long enough,"

"It's time to finish with this. We must concentrate on our destiny at hand." She said coldly into your eyes as you fell to the ground. You saw her form come closer as you screamed at her, "WHO ARE YOU? HOW COME YOU'RE DOING THIS?!" She turned towards you as she spoke."I am but a humble spirit. I came here on a mission to help the mortals be free from the pain and imperfections of this world. I thought if I was able to help the emperor and make him into a better person, we could make this land prosper, but after a few months of working for him, I realized that it was pointless. He never cared about anyone else but himself, even moments before he died." This lady explained you sat up and yelled. "THEN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HUSBAND?!" Before feeling a blade dig in slowly into your shoulder. You cried in agony and pain as you heard him bark at you. "Show your respect to my lady."

You felt your heart sink as he yanked the blade out of you. You pressed your hand onto your shoulder to stop the bleeding somehow. "Your husband is a powerful man (Y/n), and he is so close to his future, but there is only one thing holding him back" She walked closer towards you and saw Chief kneeling for her. The woman grabbed your face and force you to look at her speaking softly. "you and your daughter." Your eyes widen " Leave her out of this!" you spat out before she let you go. "I respect your efforts into savings your offspring but note this if she comes back," She said as her eyes started to glow neon blue. "I will not have any mercy." Turning towards the once-thriving empire as she gave her final order. "End her."

You looked at her before turning to your former husband and saw him raising his katana, looking down at you. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for what happened next. Till you felt tear drops falling from his eyes onto your face as he smiled, before he brought his blade down, you gave him a final smile and calmly "I love you, my dear Chief." In his mind, one thing that was his own before fully succumbing to her influence was ' I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, my lady (Y/n)..'

Your final words to the man you spent your last few moments of life. As you passed, he wiped his tears away as he stared off into the depth of the woods before following the lady bone demon to the emperor's palace. Unbeknownst to them, two pairs of puffed (d/e/c) watched in horror behind a tree only a couple of feet away. Hiccups and sniffles came out as she turned in the direction of her grandparents, running as fast as she stumbled and tripped over roots. Huffs of air escaped her tiny lungs as they tried their best to keep up.

Her little legs with scrapes and scratches kept running as she fought the urge to fall over and wail about the scene keeps replaying in her head. (D/n) runs out of the woods, meeting a meadow of flowers. A vision of her and her father picking flowers and creating flower crowns for one another flashed in her mind. "Mama! Papa!" she whimpers as she reaches for safety underneath the only peach tree. She falls to the ground, and she feels her body trembling out of fear and sadness as she attempts to catch her breath as if it were her last and feels her energy fade.

(D/n) glanced up towards the night sky and said a small, simple prayer. "Please, help us.." Before giving in to exhaustion.

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