Chapter 3

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Coming Back

You wake up in a cold sweat, huffing and groggy. As you focused on your surroundings, you sighed. You were home, in your small apartment on top of your boutique. You took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself. "God. Another one of those dreams..." you said to yourself. Every night you had dreams about a family. Most were happy and lovely, but it always ended the same. Those cold blue eyes stared at you with emptiness. When trying to remember the girl and man, it becomes difficulted. "I need to see someone about this." You said as you got changed and ready for work. Today you were meeting with a new client. Your assistant told you he seemed more interested in you than in the outfits. You were puzzled by what they meant by that but waved it off as nothing.

You walked out of the building with headphones in your ears and listened to a lofi music to wake up. 'Man, I need to eat. Which place to go to?' You thought about it and soon remembered a restaurant that your friend recommended. Pigsy Noodles. You searched for the address and walked till you saw the Pigsy noodle sign. As you walked and were greeted by a pig demon. "Welcome to Pigsy noodle! I'm Mk! What would you like to eat today?" A boy with a headband and yellow jacket popped in front of you. He startled you, but got over it and took a deep breath. Heard him apologize as you sat down. "It's fine," you said and looked at the menu. Everything looked amazing. You could not decide on what to eat. "Uh, this is my first time here. Is there a dish you would recommend?" You asked him. He smiled and said he'll be back. 'I hope I made the right decision,' You thought as you watched him talk to his boss.

You waited for a bit, scrolling through your phone and seeing what plan you had today. There wasn't much but fixing clothing, the appointment, and cleaning up the store. It would be a long day. You didn't notice a podium set up in the middle of the restaurant, and a man with a seemingly nice suit. Mk came with your bowl of Ramen and tasted the amazing noodles. As you ate, you looked up to see a person announcing that as the mayor, he was giving Mk being a hero the key to the city. You didn't focus on what he was saying, but you were staring at him. He seemed familiar. 

You couldn't tell, but your mind was sure you meet him before. As you finished and were about to get up and ask him a question, in a blink of an eye, he vanished. "What happened to the mayor?" You said and a girl with a green dragon jacket responded. "I don't think that's the mayor, and he disappears in an instant, leaving in a blue cloud of smoke." You felt defeated because you wanted to talk to him. Even if he didn't seem normal to the other people there. "Damn." You said under you breathe.

You paid for your food and told Mk his choice of noodles was amazing. You mentally planned on coming back in hoping to meet that mayor guy. You walked back to your store to open, getting ready to meet your new client. As you cleaned up, you saw outside and how seeing an odd shadow coming from the tinted window. They looked so large and had so many muscles. 'They looked well built,' You thought before they entered and saw an average person. You were so confused but shook it off as still being tired. A man with blackish-grey hair with a horizontal light blue streak walked into your store. He wore a black suit with blue stripes on the jacket, a blue shirt, and a dark blue tie.

When you met his eyes, you realized it was the mayor from earlier. "Hello there! You must be the new client my assistant told me about." you smiled as you looked into the planner and saw the name it was on. Trying to keep your cool and acting like you never saw him."Your name is Chief, right?" You look at him. He grins and nods. "Yes, that would be me, my dear!" He said and extended his hand to shake yours, "And you must be the stunning and talented (Y/n)! I have heard a lot about your clothing."

You heard him say as you shook his hand and another wave of déjà vu hits you. You held on to his hand longer. Your fingers creased his. You didn't realize you were staring before he snapped you out of it.

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