Chapter Six

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We'll meet again, Some Sunny Day

A/n: Y/n doesn't remember the white void. This to me longer because i had to find a new writing system. My old one was failing me and i wasn't getting shit done like before. There will be Headcanons later this weekend. Thank you all for your patience!

You and Sandy turn your heads to the city, now looking like ruins. Bull-like figures appear from the shipping crates. They crept closer to the ship, and the sounds of metal clashing against each other grew. You can see the form of these robotics bull clear as day, with blue screens for eyes and whispers emitted from them.

They soon began to pick up speed and jumped on board, crashing into the floor and creating craters. They turned towards you two but stared only at you for a moment before attacking. You knew the pepper spray you had wasn't going to work.

Two bull bots aimed at you, making you fall backward, letting them plunge into the floorboard. "Careful (Y/n)!" You heard Sandy shout as he threw three robots overboard. But they kept crawling back on the boat.

"What are those things?!" You shouted as you tried to regain your balance before feeling your body lifted up and over Sandy's shoulder. Moe jumped into your arms as all three of you guys ran. "SANDY!" You yelled as more chased after you guys.

"Sorry (Y/n), we gotta get to safety." He shouted as he was about to go to an elevator, but the junks of metal, were blocking it. He decided to run to a nearby speedboat. Somehow this blue man got the speedboat on land and breezed past the bulls.

It happened fast before you realized you were on the speedboat, as the blue cat in your arm patted your face to get your attention. It was a while till you reached your destination.

Pigsy noodle.

As Sandy got there, he landed on more bull robots. You three got out and met with the demon pig. He was with two others trying to figure out what was happening. You stepped off and caught their attention. You saw it was the girl with the dragon jacket and a man with glasses.

" Guys, this is my friend (Y/n). She was with me when the bull clones started to attack."Sandy explained to the gang before they turned to you. "Sorry again, (Y/n), for throwing you over my shoulder." You shook your head in response to his apology. "It's fine, Sandy. I think it was the best idea. my legs felt like jelly." You stated as Sandy introduced you to the others.

"(Y/n), this is Pigsy, Mei, and Tang!" He beamed as you waved at them. Pigsy sighed, "Hey there, sorry, but this isn't the time for introductions. Now is the time to prepare and find out what is happening." He was correct.

"It seems like DBK is trying again to conquer the city again. It's actually working this time." Mei said as she looked through her social media and newsletter. "DBK?" You asked, not understanding what it meant.

Tang cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses, "the demon bull king. He was one of the most dangerous and feared demons long ago. After he fought Monkey King, he became trapped by his legendary staff. But after recent events, he is released once again." He expressed as he posed dramatically. You remember about DBK through the last time he attacked. It nearly destroyed your boutique and home.

"Since mk isn't here to fight him, the city will be under his control in only a few moments." Tang sadly said. "Not unless we do something to stop him!" Pigsy said while you were putting the piece that Mk was the hero who fought him last time.

"Wait, You mean Mk was the one who defeated DBK?" You asked Tang, who nodded in response. He was about to speak, but Mei stopped him. "Yeah, don't you remember the not mayor giving him the key for saving the city?" She said, but you rubbed your neck. "No." You gave chuckled as she explained.

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