Chapter 2

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The void before the rebirth

A/n: Hello again! This does not have as much violence as the first part. This does still have some towards the end. So that's a small warning. Also, the parts that are Italic are memories. Sorry for the spelling and grammar errors.

You woke in a white void, looking around to see no one.

You yelled into the blank void, "Hello? Is anyone here?" Nothing happened, and you whispered to yourself. "what is this place?"

Until an image of how you both met popped up. As if it was a screen from your point of view. You knew what was happening. Was your life flashing before your eyes or was it after cause you were already dead? Your thought cut off when you looked at the image before it moved. You realized what memory it was.

How you met him when he was on duty in your section of the empire. He was a young soldier before becoming the empire war Chief. You were a simple fabric worker walking home for the night till a group of men harassed you, you yelled at them to leave, and it caught his attention. Before things got out of hand, he stepped in and beat these men until they were unconscious. He scanned around before he turned towards you. The moonlight made him look handsome.

That is when you felt your heart flutter for him. He asked if you were okay, and you nodded. Before he left, you tugged his cape and asked him if he can take you home. You still felt some fear, you wanted to get home safely, and he agreed. "So.. what's your name? I would love to thank you For saving me. " You asked him. He gave you a weird look before he answered. " Um... It's chief." You thought it was a cute nickname. "Well, Chief. My name is (Y/n). Thank you for saving me and teaching them a lesson." You smiled as you both had a blush line forming on your cheeks.

After that, you sought him out more to have a small chit-chat and even get refreshing drinks on hot days. You even found out his real name was actually Chief. You giggled a bit but found it quite fitting for him. He was awkward at first because, he was always strict with his fellow soldiers, but when you came into his life, he became happier and positive about it now. Every moment you spent with him was amazing. Both of your lives became better with each other.

You cried as you saw these images flashing by, wanting things to go back to the way they were. "Why... why us..." you wept as another memory popped up. You saw through your watery eyes, it was the moment he asked you out on a date.

It was a sunny day in the market, and you went to surprise him on his route. You didn't know yet that he was talking to himself about how he was going to ask you out. He became flustered and started to stutter every time he thought of you. It never happened to him and he became more frustrated till you appeared behind him, giving him a scare. You were laughing cause he was hard making his scare. You both talked for a bit about your day and went to a beautiful lake field with waterlilies. You both had fun and talked more until he brought up the topic of love and asked who would be your perfect love.

You were surprised at this question and thought about it for a bit before giving him an answer. "I wanted someone who can protect you, that he wants kids and to help the people of this empire. But someone like would never fall for me." You chuckle, till he spoke quietly "what if that someone was next to you, and they did fall for you." He said as he looked down with a deep pink blush crossing his face, before taking a deep breath and was about to tell you, but you kind of beat him to it. You jumped onto him for a hug and kissed his cheek, not noticing that you both almost fell into the lake. "I was wondering when you were going to ask me!" You told him as you confess how you fell for him from the first night you met.

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