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These are just headcanons I came up with as I was depressed. So I hope you enjoy it!

 ~(Y/n) knew it was love at first sight but didn't want to fall for Chief that quickly. She would say, "It's probably nothing." Too bad fate wasn't on her side because the more they were together, the more she fell for him. She would also purposefully walk on routes he would be patrolling.

~He was awkward around her a lot. He wouldn't understand some jokes or compliments that she said. (Y/n) would try to explain it, but it would just leave him more confused. Chief may not understand, but he liked it when (Y/n) was happy and smiling for some reason. So, he would pretend to get the joke.

~When they started to talk about more personal stuff, he was surprised she was simply a fabric worker. Saying, "With your beauty alone, you would be an empress!" not realizing how red (Y/n) turned.

~ Chief purposefully takes patrol routes that he knew (Y/n) would walk. At first, he wanted to keep a close eye on her because their friends and good friends look out for each other. But he realized he started to catch feelings for her.

~ (Y/n) loved seeing him, especially when he was with his fellow soldiers. He may act stricter with them, but he was happier when she was there. His soldiers found it scary at first. Because he was strict and stern to make them the best but seeing him happy and nervous. It was unnerving.

~ If someone had the guts to make fun of him for being soft, he would give a harsh "punishment" like apologizing to (Y/n) 100 times.

~ God, help the poor soul who would disrespect (Y/n) for being a commoner. Chief would make it a living hell.

~After a while, they were happy to see (Y/n) when she visited them. She would have some snacks and drinks. It also gives them a break from the grueling training they had to do. Chief would be jealous, but (Y/n) would find it funny and cute.

~(Y/n) wasn't accepted by most of Chief's family when they were together. Due to the fact they thought he needed to focus on his goals and find someone with a higher status in life. Chief wasn't going to let them disrespect his lady. He threaten to leave if they didn't stop the nonsense. His mother loved (Y/n) though reminding her of her younger self.

~ (Y/n) family were happy for them being together! They find his awkwardness adorable when he first meets them. They loved him already, even saying he was a part of the family when they weren't dating. Embarrassing (Y/n).

Words: 436

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