Chapter Four

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~hours later~

You worked on the suit as your mind was thinking about Chief. You weren't concentrating much on your surroundings to see that it was already late into the afternoon. You didn't notice a small cat creeping into the store along with a young girl with black hair.

"Kitty! You have to stop wondering on your own!" A small voice expressed as they tried to catch the feline. It jumped on you as you finished the foundation of the suit. You sighed as you saw the child giggling at you. "Bai? What did I tell you about taking the cat outside?" You looked at her as she pouted. "To at least have a harness on them." You giggled as you gave her back the feline.

Bai, he was a young girl who came to your shop after school. You were her babysitter in a sense. She would stay here till her mom or dad came for her. You remember her mom talked about a huge shadow monster destroying her home, and they had to work double shifts to pay off the damages. She offered to pay you as a sitter, but you didn't mind taking care of her. When Bai was here, she would study and play with the cat as you worked. Sometimes show you her drawing of dress or suits. You remember when she first came into your small shop.


Bai wasn't having a good day as she walked around. Her cat friend was missing. You were putting away inventory as she stepped into the store. She caught your attention as she was to the point of tears. "ma'am? Have you seen my cat?" She holds a lost poster with an orange cat. Your heart broke in two as you saw her trying to hold it in. "sorry, kid." You told her, causing her to give a defeated sigh.

"But I can help you look for him. If that's okay?" You said, giving her a tissue. Bai accepts the tissue and the assistance. "Mhm! Thank you very much!" She cried into the tissue and smiled at you.

As you held her hand as you walked around searching, "Where was the last you saw your cat?" You asked her. Bai sniffed before answering, "In the park. A few days ago, I was taking him to the vet, but he ran off as soon as we got close to it." You both looked around and saw nothing for a while. You didn't want to give up that easily. You soon saw a trail of orange fur outside of the park. "I think we found our first clue." You said as you pointed it out to Bai. She was excited, even if it was a small clue.

You both followed it into an alley and saw a box with orange fur around it. The box itself was making noise and moving. "Hmm? What do we have here?" You said and opened it, revealing the orange cat sleeping and hugging a stuffed animal. "Awe, he looks so peaceful," Bai said, waking up the cat and it jumping into her arms. "Buddy! Please don't do that again!" She cried and held the feline close to her. You smiled and patted her back.

"Let's get out of here now. it's giving me creepy vibes here." You said now realizing how dark and creepy it was. You hope you both never come back to this place again.

~flash back ends~

You smiled seeing the two snuggle with each other as you work. You asked Bai how her day went, and she complained about how school was hard and no fun. Made you giggle as she did an impersonation of a 'bad' teacher with the feline. Time passed by as it became dark. You both waited for her mom to come to get her.

"(Y/n)? Do you like someone?" Bai asked out of nowhere. "What do you mean? Of course, I do! She's right here," you proudly said as you ruffled her head. She laughs and shakes her head. "No, I mean like like someone? Like love." She said curiously to you. You were scratching the back of your head wondering what to say to her. Did you like someone?

"Maybe? But that's a secret," you said, doing a shh face at her. She was in awe, "Can you tell me? I promise not to tell anyone else!" You laugh as she pleads before giving in. "Okay, okay. But you have to promise me?" You told her, and she nodded furiously. Before you got to say anything, Bai's mother came in causing you to stop.

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