Chapter 1 The Board

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We walk to Blossoms house today and by 'we' I mean Luke, Michael, Ashton, Calum, Blossom, and me, Alex, we are all very close friends except I'm closer to Luke more than anyone else though. I sigh looking at all of the video games "can we try something else?" I ask looking at Blossom she shrugs "I don't know what else to do we could look up in my attic but I don't think we will find anything up there" "Sure we could where's the attic?" "she opens her closet and points up "ok lets go boys" Luke say standing up "hey I wanna go to" I say standing up "its to dangerous" "Lucassssss" he hates it when I use his first name he just sighs and we all go up to the attic "has anyone found anything yet?" Ashton asks we all say no until I trip over something and screaming I hit the ground hard I groan "are you okay Alex?" Luke asks I nod he helps me up "I told you" he says laughing I just scoff and roll my eyes but reach out for what I tripped over I felt uncomfortable carrying it down from the attic like it didn't belong here. We set the box and brush off all of the dust I freeze once I read what it says I quickly stand up and back away tripping over my chair "how did you get one of these in your attic?" Michael asks looking at Blossom who is terrified she gives a small shrug "I-I don't know but I don't want to find out...." I nod "me neither" I say Luke opens the box and takes out the triangle and the board and sets them on the table "I've heard, many stories about oujia boards..." Blossom says looking at it closely from a far distance I walk a little closer "it looks old..." Calum says picking up the triangle "triangle reminds me of something" Michael says "what?" "that you promised pizza" I let out a small giggle and roll my eyes "I think we should try it" Ashton says putting the board in the middle of the table I just give him a look "are you crazy?" "what are you scared?" "yes actually have you heard the stories?" "and you believe them?" I open my mouth to say no but just shut it and say "yes actually I do and um I don't want that to me" "please?" Luke pleads I sigh and look at him he gives me puppy dog eyes I smile and say "no." "aww please please please? I'll get you your favorite ice cream?" I think for a couple of moments "fine" "thank you" "mmhm sure" I say sitting down Blossom sighs and sits down as well "I guess it wont... hurt to try it?" I nod slowly, Michael, Ashton, and Calum sit down and I take a shaky breath maybe I shouldn't do this I will get in so much trouble if mum finds out umm "Luke.... I'm not I want to play my mum warned me about these" "it's ok you'll be ok I'll make sure" he squeezes one of my hands I give him a weak smile "ok this is what we will need" Blossom tells us what we need to start and I just keep worrying about everyone I mean what will happen... I don't want to loose anyone I mean its just one time though I mean what is the worst thing that could happen really to be honest oh my I'm a nervous wreck.


Hows my first chapter? if its bad im sorry for my terrible writing skills if its good I'm amazed lol :p well nice to meet you byeX

No Place Safe // L.H.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu