Chapter 4 R-U-N

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"W-what?" It moves again I-T-I-S-T-O-L-A-T-E everything goes black around me I turn around no one is there I start to breathe heavily what's happening? "H-Hello?" I whisper I can see my breath white, its cold here, so many things confusing me soon I'm at a corner it's pouring rain and freezing but it might be cold and raining one thing is ... I know this place and it broke my heart "how did I get here?" I see the car and... me in it 5 year old me looking at the rain she- er- I made eye contact and she looked like she knew what was going to happen I didn't understand I was all happy and jumpy that day.. the light turns green "WAIT WAIT NO PLEASE!" I run toward the car but I was to late the other car came and ram right into it I feel tears stream down my cheeks I watch metal and glass fly every where and I just stood there I couldn't handle to see this I run to the car and I look in the front seat... I feel myself fall apart my mum... I don't want to see her like this they never told me what happened to my mum I just kind of found out about it myself I mean its kind of obvious... it just hurt more.... I look in the back seat at me I'm out cold I look back at my mother she's still breathing can I save her? I look around but time has froze I look over someone is looking in the car I go to touch her but she turns her head toward me I step back "hello Alex" I just look at her in shock... "you-your m-my" she nods "yes" "but your- your d- dead" "I know it's nice to see that you have grown well I just wish I could still be able to be there for you" "m-mum?" I didn't know what to do I just stood there I didn't know if I should hug or be mad at her or happy I just felt so many mixed emotions and I just felt some type of hole kind of I didn't know what to feel did I feel sorry for her? no. I felt happy I can see her but... why now? "I'm guessing you have a lot of questions but... I cant answer them now I just need to tell you something" "what?" "Luke and you and the others are not safe" "what do you mean?" "I wish I could tell you but you have to go I love you" I go to speak but I'm looking up at the ceiling someone is caring me? "ok get the keys" Luke? I slowly open my eyes "Luke w-what's happening?" "your going to be ok" "Luke?!" he looks at me "oh thank god" he lays me on the couch and he looks at me "are you okay" he looks me in the eyes I nod and sit up and I have a massive headache I put my hand to my head "Luke what happened?"

Luke POV.

She runs out I freak out "shit" I mumble to myself I quickly get dressed and I call the guys "hey head to Blossoms something is wrong" "What are you talking about Luke?" "just go to Blossoms" "ok?" Michael hangs up I grab my keys and drive to the house I turn off the car and run to the front door I could see the rest of the boys as I walk in Blossom is on the floor crying I look off into the room the Ouija board is on the table what's wrong? She explains everything "If she burned it than how is it on the coffee table?" "what?" me and Alex slowly walk toward and it moves R-U-N.

No Place Safe // L.H.Where stories live. Discover now