Chapter 8 Skateboards and Dresses

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"ALEX CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND?!?!?" my mum yells I stand up and walk into the kitchen and sit at the island "hey mum whats up?" "have you found the dress you want yet?" I look at her confused "what do you mean?" "you know the dress for your cousins wedding?" uh oh.... I totally forgot about his wedding "uh well you see mum-" "you forgot didn't you?" "well I wouldn't say... yeah did" she sighs "heres some money for the dress you want" she hands me $600 "woah mum why so much?" "your cousin is having some masquerade ball themed get a nice dress and mask" I nod "ok". I look threw all of the dresses I groan and I decided to call my friend Kaelee for help she always knows what to wear and stuff so.


Hey Kaelee I need your help I don't know what dress to wear to my cousins wedding and I want to look fancy but at the same time not to fancy do you get me so if youre not busy can you please stop by the dress place down town thanks.


Ill be there in 5.

I sit there waiting for her when she walks threw the door "hey Alex" she says giving a warm smile I smile back "hey so can you help me?" "yes I can just sit by the dressing room and Ill hand you some clothes" I nod and walk to the dressing room. She hands me three dresses in my favorite color Blue "ok try them on" I walk into the dressing room and shut the door behind me I put on the first one it was ok it was short but I wanted to try the other ones to the second one was long and was a mint blue with like a lace over it I liked it I try on the third one and I smile it felt comfortable and it was beautiful I felt the fabric and spun around it was floor length and in the back it would be on the floor it was really nice it was like my dream dress I walk out and Kaelee smiles "its beautiful now I must find you shoes and a mask ill be right back one sec" I nod and she runs off I turn around and look at myself in the mirror I was... stunning I was surprised it was perfect Kaelee comes back with a pair of dark blue shoes to match and the mask was dark blue and had a feather on it I put everything on and looked at myself and smiled I liked it a lot and I could afford it "ok lets go check out" Kaelee says I nod and walk back into the dressing room to change back into my normal clothes.

Kaelee came over to help me do my make up and hair I looked... like a princess in a way "ok I have to go but have fun" she hugs me I hug her back "thank you" "that's what best friends are for" we walk to the front steps I wave as she leaves. I stood there waiting for my mum when I see Luke skate boarding on the side walk he turns his head and he looks shocked which made my cheeks burn I laugh cause he doesn't stop the skate board and uh oh he hits a stop sign I run over and help him up "Luke you should watch where your going" "S-sorry I just- yeah um- you look good...." I blushed and helped him into the house I sit him at the island in the kitchen and I grab an ice pack and hand it to him "thank you" he says looking down his face was red "so where are you going looking so fancy?" he says looking up at me "my cousins wedding" "oh" I nod my mum walks down the stairs "oh Lucas sorry but we have to leave we're going to be late can you just lock the door before you leave?" he laughs and nods "thanks" "sorry Luke but keep the ice pack on your head Ill talk to you later" he nods and smiles his face still red what's up with him?

I talk to many of my family that I haven't in a while I had to take off my mask a lot cause so many people didn't recognize me. A slow song comes on and my grandpa asks to dance I laugh and nod "you look very beautiful tonight little taco" My grandpa says I smile at the nick name that he used to call me when I was little "thank you, you look very hansom grandpa" it felt so perfect but I felt like I was missing something... more like someone. I see someone tap on my grandpas shoulder and my grandpa smiles I look at him confused "may I dance with the beautiful lady?" my grandpa nods but the mans voice... his voice it sounded so familiar... "Luke?" he takes my hands and we start to dance "hello Alex" I look at his blue mask and his black tux he looked amazing... "what are you doing here?" I look up at him I see his cheeks turn a light pink "Luke?" "I'm here for...." he looks down but looks back at me and finishes his sentence "I'm here for you Alex" "what do you mean?" "I love you"


I hope you really liked this chapter I had fun writing it! Are you excited for summer break? or are you already on break?

No Place Safe // L.H.Where stories live. Discover now