Chapter 11 Punishment

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We sit back down at the table and they all continue talking and I smile the woman watched me very closely I just started back into the conversation and smile but all I could do is worry about that necklace. "bed time children" the woman says standing up everyone else stands up, I stand up and the other people head to their rooms the boy with mint green and black hair like mine looks at the woman and she nods I look at them confused she speaks "you will stay with him tonight until we can find you a room for you to sleep in" I nod slowly and the boy grabs my hand and we walk down the long, long hallway passing by many doors of many colors. I sit on his bed and he sits in a chair "I never got your name" I say looking at him he smiles "my name is Kian, Kian Lawely" I smile "nice to meet you Kian" "nice to meet you to-....?" "oh sorry my name is Alex, Alex Phillips" he smiles "nice to meet you Alex" "I have to think of a plan to get the crystal" "you should sleep first" I nod "your right we can think of something in the morning" he nods "I'll sleep on the couch" I nod and lay down and I pass out almost immediately. I open my eyes light fills the room and I'm still here I turn my head and he's no longer there I sit up and look at myself in the mirror new outfit? I don't remember changing.... don't tell me he changed me oh god no please... I look at my hair I kind of liked it I don't know its probably just me but I do I look at the new dress its lilac its short... I have black knee high socks, with black stilettos, a black bow, lilac lip stick still the same style like yesterday, and my hair is straight it wasn't really my style but I walk out the door and into the hall and walk toward the voices. I sit next to the boy he smiles at me I return back with a smile we ate breakfast when the woman asked if I'd like to go outside I nod "yes please may Kian come with me?" she nods he stands with me and we head toward the door he opens the door for me I nod and walk out saying thank you "so do you have a plan?" I ask he nods "I thought you'd ask" "well what is it?" "the woman sleeps to I've heard she is a deep sleeper I guess you could go in there and take the crystal from her night stand" "ok I can try tonight do you have any black clothes?" he smiles "why?" I look down a little embarrassed "I don't know maybe just in case that's all...." he giggles a little "I think you will be ok don't be embarrassed" I nod and look around me it looks so real but not... its hard to explain really it felt weird he looks at me "are you ok Alex?" "uh I don't know it just feels strange here I cant really explain it" he nods slowly "ok lets go back in and tonight we can get the crystal and you can leave" I nod and we walk back to the house. "go to your beds please" me and Kian start walking for our rooms when the woman says "Alex may you please stay here I need to talk to you" I look at Kian he just nods and walks to his room I walk towards her and she smiles "well hello child I must have a word with you, you know we have specific rules in our house and the biggest rule is to not escape" oh no did she find out? "uh yeah I understand" "don't lie to your mother" she smacks me across the face my cheek burns I go to touch it "you may go to your room now dear" I nod and start to walk fast towards Kian's room I feel tears come to my eyes I open Kian's door he immediately stands up and walks over to me.

No Place Safe // L.H.Where stories live. Discover now