Chapter 6 lost

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Luke wipes the blood away to reveal writing "did you do this Alex?" I shake my head "no... that's what she meant we aren't safe anymore..." I look at the writing.


I sigh "this is just the beginning..." he sighs. We left Blossoms house Blossom went to her friends house so me and The boys hung out at Luke's house they played music they were good but never really did anything with their talent it was sad cause they are really good "you wanna try Alex?" Luke asks pointing at his acoustic guitar i shake my head "I don't know how to play" "I'll teach you if you want" "really?" "Yeah sure" "we have to go sorry my mum needs us" Ashton says the rest of the boys groan "why?" Calum just kicks Michael's leg and he seems to remember something and nods "bye" and they all leave the boys have always been strange but that was up there with the top ten I guess he hands me the guitar he tells me some things but I can barley get it so he puts his arms around me and gently holds my hand and he helps me play it felt kind of weird but I kind of liked it call me crazy all you want but it's the truth I was pressed against his chest and he helped move my arms and soon I did it by myself "thanks" I say putting the guitar down he smiles "no problem" I look at him strange "what?" Nothing I shrug "okay?" "And do you want to hang out with me an the guys later?" "Yeah sure I mean I have nothing else to do for the night what are we doing?" "Going to some party" he says biting his lip he knows I don't like parties I groan "Lucassssss" I fall back onto his bed "Alex I don't want you to stay home alone" I lift my head up and look at him "Luke I will be fine" "please I want to make sure" I just look back up at the ceiling and think for a couple of moments "fine" I sigh "thank you" "what time?" "In about two or so hours" "ok". I walk into the house the guys go off and do stuff I just go and sit on the steps and sit there for most of the time I look up at the night sky it was so pretty I wondered how many people were looking at the night sky as well how many people wondering if they are going to die? I sigh as I watch all the people walk past the house bad go into stores near by it was one of those parties you see in movies those super, super crazy ones people are drunk and stuff ugh how can people do that? I look at the time I'm shocked at how long I've been out here it's been like 1 hour I decide to go back inside and see if the boys are okay I stand up falling almost but I balance myself and walk up the steps of the house and take a deep breath and brace myself as I open the door music blaring I squeeze threw crowds of people they all look at me in disgusted hey I might not look like the type of girl to go to these kind of things but I need to look for my friend I exhale as I finally find Luke but.... drunk his mom is so going to kill him if he goes home like this and of course I have to come in and save the day I walk over to him and he turns around and smiles "heyyyyyyyyy Alex" he says I could tell he was drunk "ok sir lets go" "no no no" I giggle "I have a penguin at home" his eyes widen "really?" I nod "yep" "bye guys" he waves and I help him walk to his car I have to drive so I put him in the back seat and he just sits there I close the door and walk to the driver side and drive to my house. I put him on my bed and I sit next to him "so who was that girl you were talking to earlier?" I ask him (I wasn't jealous or anything just curious) he shrugs "just some girl" "you didn't like her?" he shakes his head "no I like this one girl" "who?" "she is beautiful and I love her".


hey people... hi hi ok so if you didn't know this story is actually dedicated to @LUKES_penguin16 you should check her stories out they perfect she is a very great writer. TY byee *.* ^.^

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