Chapter 13 escape?

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I reach up my fingers barley touching it I reach as far as I can she gets pushed off and I reach for the necklace clutching it in my hand I look at Kian

"JUST GO!" He yells

I take a deep breath and wish grabbing Kians hand and sook everything is black. I slowly open my eyes looking around Kians hand in mine

"where are we?" He asks

"my attic..." I look around me releasing his hand

"thank you" he says

"I just did what any other person would do nothing special"

I didn't get to get a good look of him so I turn around to see him he has blonde hair with blue and purple in his hair there are more colors he's wearing a tie-dye shirt, a black and white flannel around his waist, black skinny jeans, converse, and a flower crown to top it all off... I must admit though one thing is he's very attractive....

"you ok?" He ask

I snap or of my thoughts "yeah um- yeah yeah I'm-I'm fine"

he looks at me strange like I was crazy

"lets just get out of here" I say grabbing his hand and walking out of the attic shutting the door behind us I release his hand and go down stairs and I see Luke sitting at the table seeming worried and texting someone "Luke are you ok?"

He looks up his expression returns to relief "thank god your ok" he stands up and hugs me


he backs up and looks at me "you've been gone for a whole day no one knew where you were and you weren't answering your phone... I've been worried sick about you where have you been?" He looks over and points at Kian "and who is he?".

I explained everything to him he just looked at us both he's looks at Kian who seems a little awkward about Luke starring at him I forgot to introduce Kian that's what I forgot I look over at Kian just as he shifts uncomfortably because of Luke's stare

I clear my throat "that's Kian a very good friend of mine he helped me escape he's a very nice gentlemen..." Kian smiles at me weakly

"Nice to meet you Kian I'm Luke"

he shakes Kians hand "nice to meet you to Luke"

"what has happened while I was gone?" I look at Luke

He just turns his head and looks around "nothing honestly"

"Luke I swear your the worst liar ever"

he laughs and shakes his head and looks at me "no seriously nothing happened I've just been worried about you everyone has actually we've been looking for you all day"

I don't believe him but he won't fess up but I just smile and say "ok".

Me and Kian sit here on my couch he explained most of the stuff about being the special one it was mostly confusing but I understood yet I don't know what I'm supposed to do what I have to do to make stuff back to normal...

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask Kian he looks at me

"I never found that out... I'd have to ask my mother but I don't know how long I've been in there..."

I nod "how about we search you up and see when you went missing and maybe we can figure out what we're supposed to do he nods and we walk to my office.

I go to google and type in KIAN LAWELY it shows up with a missing report website and a YouTube channel


I look at him "you have a you tube channel?"

He nods "and I haven't posted a video in a long time!"

"We can worry about that later we need to figure out what we're supposed to do"

He nods "it should say a relatives number on the missing report"

I click on the website and a picture shows up with all of the information about him and we see the number I grab my phone and type it in it rings a couple of times until a woman says


"Hello is this mrs. Lawley?"

"This is"

"Mam Im friends with your son and he's with me" it stays silent for a couple of minutes I hear some people talking

"May I speak to him?"

"Yes" I hand Kian the phone he just looks at me I mouth 'It's Your Mum" he smiles and puts the phone to his ear I walk out and shut the door quietly behind me.

"Luke I never got to finish..." I say looking at him he looks at me a little confused

"What do you mean?" He asks

"That night you told me you loved me..."

"Oh... er" he scratches the back of his neck seeming to look a little awkward

"I love you too"

He looks up at me "wait what?"

I nod "I do"

He smiles "I-" he's cut off by Kian coming out talking.

IM SUPER SUPER SORRY ABOUT NOT UPDATING IVE JUST BEEN ALL OVER DA PLACE Lately and yeah but I have a fan account on Instagram with LUKES_penguin16 yayyy it's called dem_fangirls_x go follow us if you'd like hope you liked this chapter! Bye ily ✖️

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