Chapter 5 Hello

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I look at everyone as they eye me closely "could you guys stop starring at me please" I say I get embarrassed and shy fast "Alex what happened?" Luke says he seemed very worried "you tell me what happened?" he looks at everyone every one seemed a little cautious "what" I ask Luke speaks "you collapsed and started to speak fast you cried and screamed and a couple times you repeated my name..." "wait what?" why would I say Lukes name over and over? I think back to what my mother said.

"Luke and you and the others are not safe"

What did she mean I mumble "we're not safe" "what?" Luke asks "we're not safe..." Luke looks at me in shock "she's not safe anymore you wont be able to protect her..." he mumbles "what do you mean?" "someone told me that before... some guy" "and you replied 'stay away from her'" "you were there?" "no you were dreaming and said that right after someone whispered 'you're not safe anymore" "who?" "I don't know I was in your room and some guy or some person whispered it in my ear it scared me" "someone said that to me too" Calum says Michael nods "what's going on?" we just stayed like that for a while to be honest I didn't know what to do part of me just wanted to say just kill me now. I slowly open my eyes someone is holding me I remember the past events we are still in Blossoms house we stayed at her house the whole day researching things and talking and soon it had became night so we all went and got pizza then came back and watched some movies (we were all laying on the floor I don't know why we just were) and I was laying in between Ash and Luke and I didn't remember falling asleep... and I was looking at Ash's back so... I was being held by my best friend? Did I like it? No... maybe... yes. but that was besides the point he is my best friend and this can't happen... I turn around to face Luke his hair sticking up all over the place and his lip ring... god I had to admit he is very attractive I must admit but it's not just the looks his personality and him in general he's just so... perfect I sighed and slipped out of his arms and headed up to the bathroom as I looked in the mirror I looked like a mess my hair all tangled I washed my face but after I looked back up at the mirror there were words drawn in blood?
There's No Place Safe
I just stand there in shock I feel my self start to shake a little why do they want us? What do we have to do with anything we are just some normal teenage kids that played some game... but it wasn't just a game.... I I here someone speak in the door way and it startles me "can I use the bathroom?" Ash asks in a tired voice I look back at the mirror but it's no longer there that's strange? but I nod and walk out the door letting him use the bathroom I didn't feel safe anymore I didn't know who I could trust really I just wanted to be able to talk to my mum again that's all I wanted to figure more things out but how? I bump into Luke he's looks at me "are you okay?" He asks seeming very worried his eyes widen and he touches my arm and I feel something smear what? As he runs to the bathroom I just stand there confused "L-Luke?" "We need to get you to the hospital or something" "what?" I feel my breath to become faster again what's going on? As I look down at my wrist I gasp uh no.

No Place Safe // L.H.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz