Chapter 2 Who?

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We put our fingers on the board and spin it in circles a couple of time than put in the middle "is they're anyone here?" Calum asks the piece moved to yes "who is this?" it moved to A-L-L-Y I freeze u whisper "it can't be..." Ally was my best friend in 8th grade... her hous caught on fire and she died during the fire she was like my sister we spent so much time together we told each other everything I never got that close in a friend way I'm just to afraid if I do... I'm afraid I'll loose them too if I do Luke looks at me in concern "Ally?" Luke was friends with her too but wasn't as close to her as I was I went into depression when she died but he comforted me when she died he knew how it felt to loose someone and he made me myself again I felt a tear go down my cheek "Ive missed you Ally" I say taking a shaky breath it moves to I-M-I-S-S-Y-O-U-T-O I felt everyone staring at me "I don't think I can do this Goodbye" I say and taking my hands off the board I walk out of the house and sit on the porch steps Luke comes and sits by me "are you okay?" I give a weak smile "I don't know..." I lean my head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me "you don't have to play it again" "ok... but maybe I kind of want to play again I want to know how she is..." "okay tomorrow" I nod "can I come to your house?" He nods we say goodbye to everyone and leave. "Thank You Luke" he smiles at me "No problem I'm always here for you I've known you for almost 10 years now" I smile "yep I don't know how I have dealt with you all these years" he chuckles and rolls his eyes "you know you love me" I laugh "keep thinking that sir" "oh really?" "Yep" "you sure about that?" He tackles me to the ground and tickles me I bursts out laughing "LUKE! LUKE! STOP STOP!" "say you love me than" he says and stop tickling I breath I stick my tongue out at him "never" he tickles me again "FINE FINE! I love you, you are my best friend" he smiles and gets up "thank you" I roll my eyes and just smile at him he helps me up we watch a couple of movies and I soon drifted to sleep. I wake up sun shines threw the curtains I was in the guest room he must have carried me in here today was Saturday so we had the whole day to hang out but I really wanted to talk to Ally... at least I think it's Ally I'll have to do some research I get up and walk to Luke's room he's still asleep so I tip toe to get his laptop I look at his face he's so adorable a lot of girls get help use of the friendship me and Luke have cause Luke is the 'hot guy in school' but I don't think of him as that way he's my best friend he's a very optimistic person and he's easy to talk to he doesn't go out with the girls who ask him I asked him why once and he said he was saving it for a girl he really likes but I could never guess who he says she's adorable, cute, funny, nice, caring, and she makes him happy I could never figure out who she is though.... my thoughts are interrupted by a whisper.

No Place Safe // L.H.Where stories live. Discover now