not a chapter :some news

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hey everyone,it's been a long time...sorry

i intend to keep writing this story till it's finish (no i'm not forcing myself to write in case you're worried),i want everyone to know that,in fact i was suppose to publish the next chapter tomorrow (and also the one after since i already started writing and had written a pretty big part),i wanted to make a bit of a come back and publish 2 chapter in a row....

but since i am a pretty unlucky person main pc broke today.....(i spill coca cola on it by accident,i forgot on the moment that i should have to turn off the computer and i didn' the thing is dead and can't turn on)

and this computer had my 2 chapter on it and the should have been new year special (i don't write the chapter on wattpad  directly since i write whenever i have a free time so that way i  don't need  internet to write)

anyway,the computer is dead with everything i had on it..and now i have to use my second computer,i am using it to write now and it's old ,but it should be enough the time i get my main pc repared or at least be able to access the files of hard drives to get all my things back on my second computer

so sorry,just give me a day or 2  to rewrite at least the next chapter


in case ,you wondered what i've been doing since like 6 month

[this a bit of explanation of why i didn't publish any chapter since 6 months so you can ignore it if you want)

i had a lot to do

i was busy with college....i survive i guess...barely(now,i'm insomniac,i can't barely sleep at night),

anyways,on the other side,i was trying to understand the world and people

i start playing donjon and dragon since a few months and i just can't stop playing it ,i became a forever DM(donjon master) since then,but i still get to a be player thanks to a friend who is also a DM.i think i may actually write a dnd story on wattpad (like the campaign that i did,or just writing a story with the system of dnd)

at some point,i made the mistake of telling a few people around me that i was writing stories on the internet...and some people came up to me

they want me to write a story for a light novel/game that they want to put on i'm still writing it

so while dealing with classes,i'm writing a dnd campaign (which the writing is done and me and my friends are currently playing it),i'm writing a story ,that will become a light novel (we even have someone to draw the charaters and backgrounds and someone else do the coding part) on steam ,i'm currently learning to draw correctly (more like relearning) so maybe one day,some picture i use in my stories will be mine.

i also sadly had a few personnals problems which led me to have several panic attacks in the worst moment,but i'm a bit better now and i no longer have them. being a legal adult (i'm 19 now) and a man is simply because not many people care about your problems and even if they do,the sentences "you have no reason to be sad or stressed,man up a little","you should stop playing video games,it's why you're failling at school and can't sleep" (basically the same phrase but in french)can get really annoying when is told by your parents who thinks that videogames  is the cause of every last of your problems and literally know nothing about your life because they barely talk or listen to you and don't mind telling you that your dream are trash and that you'll be homeless later in life in the face because you had the bad idea of saying that you want to be a teacher despite your bad grade.

[end of "this is my life"]

anyways,i'm sorry for the wait and,but just know that i'm back and ready to write the story

so see you soon then ! in only  a day or 2 i hope! (i still need to find the time to fix my computer btw)

(also sorry about the bit of "this is my life" part earlier,i know some people surely had way worse problem than me and i'm sorry for them,i just needed to let it out a bit,sorry to annoy you with it,you can just ignore it)

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