chapter 38: alive and dead

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accelerator,gunha and kakine were still standing on the roof

« you feel that ? »ask gunha

« like something watching us from afar?yes i do »respond accelerator

« i have that feeling too »said kakine

accelerator was turning to see around

« oi...yesterday a weirdo attack me »said kakine

« really ? »react accelerator and gunha

« yeah some weird guy attack me,apparently he was sent to kill me »said kakine

« and ? »react accelerator

« he was too strong for a human »said kakine

« of course i still manage to beat him like the trash that he was but i wouldn't be surprised that other people like him could appear and try to attack us...they probably want to eliminate all level 5s »

« some people want to eliminate us ? Why ?»ask gunha

« don't know yet »said kakine

all the three level 5 had a serious look

« oi...accelerator....the guys that attacked me...he said he was a saint »said kakine

« ?! »accelerator's eye widened,he remembered that index told him about saints

meanwhile gunha was looking kinda dumb [a saint?]

« as i I thought, you know things, don't you »said kakine seeing accelerator's reaction

«'s a long story »said accelerator

«let's not theories too much, the whole situation we're in could be from something else »

« yeah,you right »surprisly agreed kakine

the situation was strange,they weren't sigh that the level 5 were under attack nor someone even near them,but it's was like a sixth sense,they could feel something was wrong and that whatever cause that thing wasn't their friend

« what are you both talking about?what is a saint ? »ask gunha

« it's complicated, but basically imagine people that aren't esper with power and superhuman strenght and speed probably stronger than a level 4 »said accelerator

« really ?....people like that exist?"ask gunha while kakine was  listening with his wings out

« yeah,they're not from academic city, but they still have power »ad accelerator

« are they gemstone ? »ask gunha

« no they're's complicated....but know that there is not the saint....but also people similar to them with similar power »said accelerator

« just so you know if they are the thing attacking us,they have power and they can be unpredictable strong so don't let you guard down »

« they're not that strong,but they easily do a lot of damage »said kakine

«wait....are they esper ? »ask gunha

«'s complicated, i will tell you later »said accelerator

«basically don't hold back against them »said kakine

« noted »said gunha

the three level 5 look around...there was some kind of dead silence

« let's get down the street »propose accelerator as he jump away from the roof

« agreed »said kakine right after accelerator and use his wings jump from the building

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