Chapter 41 : back at home

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accelerator was walking with index they were leaving the dorm,two bag in accelerator's hand

« where are we going ? »ask index

« you will know when we get there »respond accelerator

index didn't ad anything and just kept walking[why don't you tell me !]

when they were finally out of the dorm

acceletor stop walking and index right after

[here should be fine] thougth accelerator

he cut the sound around him and index so no one could hear them

« we're going at my home,you'll be safe there »said accelerator

« but wouldn't that put your family in danger ? »ask index

« don't worry about that part that's my  business »said accelerator

« anyway,we need to go there fast »

« so i'm gonna use my power to bring us there faster »

« how do we do that ? »ask index

accelerator sigh

« you're gonna go on my back while i use my power »

« that way i can also carry the two bags »

« you mean...i have to go on your back...while you're gonna jump and fly in the air »said index

« yes... »said accelerator as he turn his back on index and kneel down so she could go on his back

« well... »said index as she climb on accelerator's back[that's seem so dangerous!!]

accelerator could feel movement on his back

[the fucking cat....she brought the cat....]thought accelerator

[his long hair are annoying!]thought index as she struggle because of accelerator's hair

« ready ? »ask accelerator

« it's gonna shake a bit but don't worry,you should be able to let go of me during the fly »

« i'm going to make sure you don't fall with my power »

« yeah....i think »said index

« let's go then ! »said accelerator as his foot hit the floor and the number 1 and the nun on his back were launch in the air

while in the air

[it's amazing!]thought index as she gling on accelerator as hard as she can,it was useless because accelerator's power holding her but she still did it

there were jumping from building to building

[tch...will that speed be enough ?]thought accelerator

[probably...but just in case]

« oi,brat...i'm gonna speed up a bit »said accelerator

« so be ready »

« you're gonna wha- »start index but accelerator land on a building and hit his foot again,their launch at a greater speed than before...but this was bit differents,accelerator was staying much longer in the air

but this was bit differents,accelerator was staying much longer in the air

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