Chapter 31:just a coffee

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shokuhou,accelerator,hokaze and musujime were going at a café in the school ground

« so you have everything at tokiwadai »said accelerator [just how big that place is ?]

« yes...tokiwadai has access to a lot of service »said hokaze

« so..where are we going to take a coffee or something like that ? »ask musujime

« oh..over there well it's a café but it actually several fonction,depending on the hour,the menu change and the café become more like a restaurant»said hokaze as she point to a couple of table outside,the building next to it seem full of girl from tokiwadai drinking and talking around a table

"you mean it's the canteen here ?"ask musujime

"not really,the canteen in an other building"said shokuhou

« ...can't we just take a can from a vending machine ? »ask accelerator [going there will attract attention]

« if i remember i already told that ladies have  standards ! »said shokuhou at accelerator surprising hokaze and musujime by her familiarity toward accelerator

« and you are now with 3 ladies, so you better follow those standards »

"wait....why are you counting me in ?"ask musujime but shokuhou completely ignore her

« tch...fine ! »said accelerator

shokuhou just smile in response

musujime and hokaze were just confuse [did we miss an episode or something ?]

the group go toward the coffe,several whisper could be hear as they enter the café

a maid was maika

« so you here to drink or eat something ? »ask maika

« so that's why you were'n with the three idiots earlier,you were doing your job »said accelerator

« well...i really wanted to give them a visit but my superior...remind me a bit of my duty »said maika

« you got scold ? »ask musujime

« yep... »admit maika,she was a bit embarrassed

« anyways ,we came here to take some coffee »said shokuhou

« a soda for me »said musujime

« so you want a table ? « ask the maid

« sure »said hokaze

« inside or outside ? »ask maika

shokuhou and hokaze turn to musujime and accelerator

« don't care »said musujime and accelerator at the same time

« inside then »said shokuhou

« got it ! »said maika as she go search for the menu

the group go toward a table near a window

the group go toward a table near a window

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