Chapter 8:memory

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shokuhou,mikoto and last order were in a dark alley through the memory of the misaka network

A sister was running for her life,she passes next to last order and the two level 5

« this is number 56,it's still at the beginning of the experiment »said last order who stops talking in third person

« n°56 ? wait,you want us to see accelerator killing the sister ?! »said mikoto

« no,what i want to show something else but i need to show you that so you understand my point »said last order

accelerator was arriving in the alley,

the sister starts shooting at him with her gun ,he reflected all the bullet near her without hurting her

[this accelerator seems so  different than the one i met earlier,physically mostly]though shokuhou

accelerator with a bored tone

« why are you even trying ?'ask accelerator

the sister stop shooting in confusion

« you know bullets don't work on me ! »said accelerator with the same bored tone

« yet,you still try,you know you have no chance of winnig ! »

« why are you even trying ? »

« this misaka was  programmed to figh against accelerator » said the sister with an emotionless face

the sister shoot at accelrator, but the bullet was reflected straight to her head

 then accelerator  leave the alley as if nothing happened « so annoying »

shokuhou and mikoto were frozen

« he just kill her like that ! »scream mikoto with pain in her her chest

shokuhou just look a bit sad [at least it a quick death] she though not forgetting that this is the past

« what that the thing you wanted to show us,that accelerator questioned a sister about her behaviore!»ask shokuhou who was still affected by the murder of a sister in front of her

« no,it's not over »said last order as they change memory

"this is the death of misaka 107 »said last order

« this is,at this moment misaka started doubting about accelerator »continued last order

mikoto was just holding her hand on her chest,the vision of accelerator killing the sisters is something she hated and was traumatized by.

accelerator was walking in a narrow street

when a sister appeared and started shooting with her gun toward him

accelerator just reflected the bullet and one of the bullet hit the right leg of the sister,which force her to fall on the ground

mikoto and shokuhou expect accelerator to finish her off....but,accelerator just turn around and  started to leave

but the sister even if she was hurt,get up rush toward him

when she reach him,accelerator reflected her,causing her to fall on the ground again

and  the number 1 started to ask stranges questions

« why,didn't you just stay down ?! »said accelerator

« why,do you want me to kill you that much ?! »

« do you even realize how crazy that is ?! »

the number 1 comebackWhere stories live. Discover now