Meeting The Lupin's

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A/N: I look this from someone I think on tumblr and I can't remember who! If you recognize it pls let me know so I can give credit!

Third POV

Remus Lupin was, for all intents and purposes, the monster children checked their closets for at night. And yet Sirius was the type of boy Remus's parents had warned him of, the type of boy with Stay Away, I'm Dangerous! written in his long hair, on his leather jacket, on his motorbike.

Remus was, in spite of everything, a parents' dream, they type you brought home to meet your mother, who would shake your father's hand and say "Yes, sir" and "Thank you, ma'am" and "Is there anything I can do to help?" when dinner was being served.

Sirius was the one who'd pick up an heirloom off the mantel, toss it up and down a few times, testing its weight, and replace it before saying, "I'm starved, when's dinner coming, Wormtail?" as Peter frantically tried to shield his mother from seeing just what Sirius was up to.

But that was at Peter's house, not Remus'. Sirius had been to Remus' house maybe a dozen times over his years at Hogwarts, but this was different.

This was their seventh year, and this was the first time Sirius was meeting the Lupin's as Remus' boyfriend, not just his harebrained best friend with a motorbike, parental issues, and the mouth of a sailor. Standing in Remus's bedroom in front of a mirror (which thankfully did not talk back to Sirius), he was panicking slightly.

"They're going to hate me," he said the moment Remus stepped into the room.

"They're going to banish me from casa de Lupin and request a room change for you at school. They'll lock me in the dungeon and feed me to the wolf."

Remus's smile faltered for just a moment. "They're not going to hate you - although, if you want a helpful hint, no werewolf jokes at dinner, or at all, please."

Sirius's eyes widened. "Shit! Shit, shit. I'm sorry. I didn't think - shit."

"No cursing, either," Remus added, his smirk growing as Sirius sank deeper and deeper into code red, abandoning all stations.

"I can't do this," Sirius finally blurted. "I can't, I'm leaving, I'll see you when break's over, Remus, I-" He grabbed for his rucksack and the keys to his motorbike before Remus, laughing, grabbed his arm.

"Silly me," Remus chuckled, "but here I was thinking you were a Gryffindor, or something."

"Daring, nerve, chivalry," Sirius muttered. "Where's that going to get me?"

Smirking, Remus brushed Sirius's hair out of his eyes, smoothing his thumb down Sirius's jaw. 

"I think that's exactly what you're going to need to get through tonight," he pointed out, placing a short kiss against the corner of Sirius's mouth before smacking him once, lightly, on the bottom. "Now, move, you git. Go get ready, I'll meet you downstairs."

Hair smooth, sleeves unrolled, collar buttoned, tie straight, no jeans or motorcycle boots or leather - Sirius Black was suddenly the picture of high-class breeding, the image his mother had tried to instill in him for all these years suddenly emerging in his outfit, his language, his mannerisms.

He smiled warmly at Remus, who grinned at him from his seat across the table, and thanked Mr. and Mrs. Lupin for letting him stay for all of Christmas break. He took a seat, placed his napkin in his lap, and bowed his head with the Lupins as the family said grace, a short, sincere prayer that Sirius found rather endearing.

He picked up his knife and fork and shot a tentative look across the table. Remus was smiling again; when Sirius frowned slightly to indicate his confusion, Remus mouthed, "I love that shirt." Sirius blushed, having purposely chosen the sharp gray shirt that Remus had, on more than one occasion, declared to bring out the silver in Sirius's eyes.

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