Sick Siri

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Original Author: Marauders2008 on AO3

Moony's POV

There was a flu going around the school. Pomphrey had run out of pepper up potion, so if you got it now, you had to ride it out the muggle way. Unfortunately, now was when it had hit our dorm.

Peter was the first to get it. He had been knocked right out, mainly sleeping, only eating when James, Sirius, or I made him, even then it was only small amounts.

Next was James. He acted like he was dying. After a while, he stopped complaining and let us take care of him. Once he let us take care of him, we all noticed a weaker side to James, which, in all honestly, was refreshing to see as we normally see a very loud, obnoxious James.

Next was me, it didn't really affect me as much due to the whole werewolf thing, but Sirius babied me and took great care of me, it did feel kind of nice in all honesty.

However, now, Sirius has been telling us all week that he was feeling fine, but you could tell something was off. He had been quiet all day. We had only see him once today, and that was when he woke up.

He had also been sleeping in his own bed, which was weird as since we had been dating, he always slept in my bed. We always slept together, but for the past week, he had opted for his own bed.

I know for a fact that we hadn't been arguing as he always told me, and got really clingy to me if he thought that I was mad at him as he wanted me to forgive him

Of course, I was never mad at him, but at the moment he was just strange.

After this morning, Sirius never showed up to class. By lunch, we still hadn't seen anything. "Remus, just go up and see him, maybe he got the flu that we all had" James suggested.

"Yeah, even though he has said that he doesn't get sick, that doesn't mean he's always healthy" Peter suggested.

I sighed, knowing that they were both right, "Yeah, ok, if I'm not back in twenty minutes, just take the signs that he's ill, and don't mock him about it" I told them,

"Of course we won't" they both assured me before I left the hall and headed up to our dorm

When I got to the dorm, I found Sirius in my bed, sniffling miserably. He had tissues scattered all over the bed, with the bin next to him full of more tissues. I sighed sadly before putting my bag down by the door and going over to him. He was facing his back to the door, so he must have not heard me

I went and sat down next to him, "Sirius, darlin, you feeling ok?" I asked him, he jumped slightly as I ran my hand over his back, he slowly sat up and nodded his head, "Yeah, I'm ok" he mumbled, sniffling miserably. I sighed, "Hey, if you feel achy, stuffy, sore, cold?" I asked him

He shrugged his shoulders, I could see him shivering. "Sirius, what's up, I know you don't want to admit you're sick, but if you do, we can help" I told him, he just looked down at his hands, I sighed, wrapping my arms around him, "You're shivering, tell me what's wrong" I tried

He leaned into my side, resting his head on my shoulder, "I'm not feeling fabulous" he mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Ok, let's get you in a warm shower" I told him, he just whined, "No, wanna stay here"

I kissed his head, "I know, but you're all sweaty and I can see you shivering, it might warm you up" I told him, he took a deep breath and nodded, "Ok, but don't go" he told him, I nodded, "I'm not leaving you, come on" I told him, helping him stand. I helped him to the bathroom and turned the shower on. "Right, come on, in you get" I said, helping him in

At first he protested, but he eventually let me wash him, "Do you want me to wash your hair?" I asked him, he nodded. I grabbed his hair stuff and started washing his hair, "Mm, that feels nice" he sighed, I smiled.

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