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A/N: I've been looking for this story for like two or three years and I finally found it again!!!

Original Author: stuckinthedirt

Hermione is staring at Draco again.

Harry knows he shouldn't be affected by this - it's common knowledge to anyone in Gryffindor that Hermione has a crush on the Slytherin. But for a reason he can't - or refuses to - explain, the sickening feeling of jealousy bubbles in his gut at the lovestruck stares Hermione is sending towards the Slytherin table.

He knows Draco is straight; he's slept with at least half of the female population of their year, so Harry knows he doesn't stand a chance against his best friend. She is attractive, he supposes. Her bushy hair and dark skin are admirable, and her high cheekbones cause her smile to blind anyone who witnesses it. Her lips are full and round, unlike Harry's, and her eyes are the deepest shade of brown.

Like he said, he doesn't stand a chance.

Ron notices Harry's dejected posture, and smiles sympathetically at him. Unlike anyone else, Ron knows about Harry's hopeless crush on the blonde, and also knows that Hermione is crushing just as bad. Ron's blue eyes sparkle with regret for not being able to help his friend, as well as the torn feeling of wanting both friends to have the best.

In this situation, it's difficult. Hermione is oblivious to Harry's pain.

"His eyes are so gorgeous," she gushes in a light whisper, her voice awestruck and admiring. Harry scoffs inwardly, as if he doesn't know that.

"And his hair, it looks so soft. I just wanna pet him. Oh god, that's weird, isn't it?"

Harry knows exactly what she means, but just shrugs dejectedly and pushes the eggs around on his plate. He sighs, standing and brushing crumbs off of his jeans. Ron watches him as Harry sends him a look of 'leave me be', whilst Hermione barely even notices he isn't sitting anymore.

he leaves the great hall - breakfast never did appeal to him.

He sighs again once he's in the entrance hall, and runs a hand through his disheveled bed hair. At this realization, he decides to head up to the Gryffindor dormitories to get changed out of his causal muggle pajamas and into his school robes. He has a Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Umbridge first period, and he doesn't want to deal with the old toad criticizing his appearance... As if he doesn't do that himself already.

He mutters the password to the common room, stepping through the portrait and up the steps to his shared dorm, pulling on the correct clothes and tousling his hair into a generally acceptable "style" if you can even call it that.

He distinctly keeps his eyes away from the second drawer below the bathroom sink as he brushes his teeth, refusing to give in to his addiction at this point in time.

Later, he promises himself.

He stares at his reflection after he's finished with general hygiene, scrutinizing his looks with disgust.

This is why Draco doesn't like you.

Harry sighs for what seems like the millionth time that day, dropping his eyes down to the drawer, vaguely considering giving in now...

No! people will see, his mind screams, and he's forced to agree. He can't let people see. And with that thought in mind, he walks out of the bathroom without a second glance at the drawer.

After a painfully long hour of insults and snide jabs at his class performance, Harry stumbles out of his DADA class, heaving a sigh of relief as he remembers he has History of Magic next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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