Chapter 14: Developing the Strategy

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The next day at school I saw Rick in the hall when the last bell rang.

 “Hey Payne…” he said with a smirk.

“Hey Rick, couldn’t get enough of me yesterday?” I asked with a smirk as I locked my locker door.

“Aha well what can I say you’re pretty cute Payne.” He said.


“Aright drop dead gorgeous…” he said.

“That’s more like it…” I said.

“I was wondering if you aren’t busy after school we can go get something to eat?” He asked.

“Sure.” I said.

I got my phone out and texted Mase that I was going out with Rick after school and that I’d call him later.

I got into Ricks shiny new black pickup truck, and thankfully we skipped the awkward conversation because he blasted the music so loud there was no way we could talk.

“Lennys Pizzeria nice choice.” I said as he pulled up to the Pizza place and parked the car.

“Thanks.” He said as we got out.

After we were seated and eating our pizza Rick was going on and on about his boxing career and his training, and as much as I loved watching it I really didn’t want to hear about it.

Rick was so into himself and it was very easy to see.

“I go to the gym 6 out of 7 days for probably 3 hours, I drink my before protein, and my after. I think all my hard work is paying off, can’t you tell?” he asked as he flexed his arms.

I just wanted to barf; I couldn’t stand hearing another thing about him.

“God you’re conceited!” I finally let out, even surprising myself.

“This whole time I haven’t said a word and you just went on talking about yourself.” I said with a laugh. Rick just looked at me like he’s never been told that before.

“What?” he said actually puzzled.

“Listen not all girls want to hear about you for 2 hours straight.” I said.

Rick looked at me puzzle as if he was trying to figure out what I just said.

“No one’s ever really told me that before…” he said.

“Well your little slutty bimbos must not care…I do…” I said, and he went back to scrutinizing me.

“Your right…” he said looking at me

“What?” I said.

“I do talk about myself a lot, just surprised that you actually said it. You got balls, I like it…” he said with a smirk.

“I’m glad…” I said sarcastically.

“So how about you give me another chance to redeem myself, say tomorrow night around 7?” He asked.

“Sure…why not.” I said.


“Baby?” I heard Michael call me from the kitchen when I got home.

“Yeah?” I said as I walked into the kitchen.

“Sit down.” Michael said and I did. I was beginning to get scared because Michael was in ultra-dad mode at the moment.

“I was thinking about it, and I think that you should work at the garage.” He said.

“Oh my god, really? Thank you!” I said happily and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

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