Chapter 19: Girls Day Out

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**Masons POV**

It’s been almost a week since I’ve really talked to Andy and it was killing me.

I thought the best thing for me was to distance myself from her, I didn’t think I could handle talking about her being with other guys and helping her continue this plan…it was getting to be to much.

I knew staying away would be hard, but I was sure id be able to handle it. Especially with my experience in that area, but it was worse…

It was like it was so easy to give in and speak to her…

So close but so far away at the same time…

I missed cuddling with her, and talking about nonsense…it was killing me.

 I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with her, I could barely control myself.

I would feel her eyes on me, and it would break my heart how sad she looked. She would try to talk to me and I would talk but just not as much and definitely not like we used too…

She would sit with Rick now and basically be all over him, and I would worry about how she was keeping up with this plan, especially without my help.

Thankfully Rob told me that she’s been working a lot and hasn’t had much time to hang out with him, but I knew that wouldn’t last for long…

It would come to a point where he would get a little pushy and I don’t think she would have the strength to say no…and that would be all my fault….

"So what's up with you and Andy." Rob asked as he lifts the weight over his head grunting with struggle. 

"Nothing..." I said as I wiped the sweat on my forehead with the small towel around my neck.

"I'm so sick of you and Andy's 'nothing's, I'm not stupid Mase..." Rob said.

"She talked to you about me?" I asked with wide eyes, he didn't even have to respond, I already knew the answer.

I automatically was filled with eagerness and excitement knowing that Rob talked to Andy about me.


"Listen you know how I feel about getting in between you two..." Rob said.

"I know..." I responded sadly as I lifted the weight.

"All I'll tell you is that you both really need to talk..." He said and I silently agreed, but I knew it was impossible. 

I knew if I opened myself up to this conversation that I wouldn't be able to control myself, I would ruin everything.


**Andy’s POV**

 It's been a few days since I've tried to talk to Mason, all I do is give him halfhearted smiles.

He hasn't picked me up or taken me home since last week. I've been trying to talk to him but he keeps insisting that everything's fine, so I guess I gave up.

For the past 3 days he's been with 3 different girls, and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

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