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"Z, you'll never guess what just happened!" Isabella squealed as she ran into the shop.

The annoying clicking of her heels against the concrete floor alerting Zarah of her little sister's presence before she heard her talk. Her bright purple and pink pastel clothes contrasting weirdly with the oil stained garage.

Picking her head up and looking around the hood of the black 2016 Malibu she was working on, Zarah couldn't help but smile as she saw her running up to her with a huge smile on her face; even if she had to tell her time and time again to not run in the shop.

"What's up Izzy?" She asked as she grabbed a dirty old towel she had hanging off the side of her toolbox and wiped her hands along the already stained and greasy surface. She moved closer to her placing the towel down, an amused look on her face. Zarah walked towards the side of the garage where the sinks were as she began to scrub the grease off,Isabella close on her trail

"I have a boyfriend!"

"Oh yeah? Who?" Zarah asked, amused with her sister and with just how excited she was.

Zarah couldn't help but think about just how different her and Isabella were.

Isabella was cheerful, one of the girls who couldn't stand getting dirty, she much preferred to stay inside and bake cookies or be with Natasha and Yelena. Where as Zarah would rather be alone, in the garage, fixing someone's car or working on her project car. She enjoyed getting her hands dirty, the silence and comfort being in her garage.

"Steve Rogers!" Zarah almost dropped the small bottle of pumice wash, grabbing it before it hit the ground,she quickly registered what her sister just told her. Steve Rogers? The goody two shoes jock who ran the sports store? God she didn't really like that man at all.

"Z, did you even hear me?" Isabella asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she became annoyed with the lack of response coming from her sister. Zarah laughed, her nose scrunching up as her laugh echoing throughout the garage and nodded as she rinsed the remaining soap off her hands and arms with warm water. Shutting off the sink, she grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser on the wall and turned towards her sister.

"I heard you sis, and as long as you're happy, I'm happy." she responded, trying her best to sound excited for Isabella. Relieved when she saw her face lit up and she squealed again,almost jumping up and down as she clasped her hands together.

"Good," Isabella smiled knowingly, " Because you're going to meet him tonight so get home and clean up," she continued, still excited for her new boyfriend to finally meet  her older sister. Zarah tried her best to hold back a groan as her and Izzy walked towards the laundry and locker rooms.

"Izzy, tonight? It's been a long day and-"

"He wants to grill and have a beer or two with a bonfire, Z." She pouted. " Nothing huge but I still want you to clean up. Please?" she begged as she turned around to give Zarah some privacy as she changed out of her shop clothes.

"Safe," Zarah grumbled as Isabella turned around and continued to bother her sister.

"Okay fine. I'll get cleaned up and meet the boy; don't expect me to wear a dress or some shit." She gestured to her sisters clothing. "It's hotter than hell today and I've been in here since nine this morning."

"That's fine. Just try not to smell like butt and look like you don't live in this damn garage," Izzy pleaded. Zarah nodded as they walked out of the lobby, waving goodbye to Kate Bishop; her office assistant,  as she was preparing to close shop.

As the sisters walked outside, they were hit with the raw feeling of the heat and humidity hitting them as if it was like a truck. The burning summer sun heating up the streets.

"Fuck I hate Minnesota summers," Zarah complained as she swatted at a bug. Izzy laughed as she made her way to her sister's car, knowing she always parked her 1966  baby blue Mustang in the shade, in hopes to avoid the heat; she always kept the top down to avoid being cooked alive..

"Oh hush, You love living here in Asgard," Isabella scoffed as they reached the car and both of them hopped on.

"No, mom and dad did. I hate it here," Zarah retaliated as she turned the key over and the Mustang roared to life. Giggling, Zarah gave it some gas before throwing it into gear and tearing down main street.

✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼

As the sun began to set and paint the sky beautiful colors of oranges and pinks; Zarah couldn't help but admire the painted sky through the window next to her bathroom,  she scrunched up her wet hair in her towel. Dropping the dark blue towel on her floor, slipped on a black short sleeve shirt and a pair of denim shorts. She grabbed her dad's old flannel, placing it over the top her shirt.

"Give me strength to meet this boy dad," she mumbled to herself as she took a whiff of his fading cologne. She missed their parents and hated that she felt like she could have saved them if her dad had just let her fix the old tire on their car before they left.

"Z, he's here!" Isabella's voice broke her out of her depressive thoughts as she shook her head slightly and pulled her long brown hair up into a messy bun.

Stomping downstairs, she was met with Izzy holding hands and smiling widely as she looked up at the brunette standing next to her. Ugh- Steve Rogers. Steve smiled as he held his hand out towards Zarah, waiting for her to take hold of it, but she never did.

"Evening, it's nice to meet you. I've already heard so much about you," He gushed, starting to pull his hand away. Zarah quickly plastered a smile on her face and shook his hand before looking at her sister and giving a hint of a disgusted look. Izzy shot her a look as if to tell her to behave.

Pushing a sigh out, Zarah clapped her hands together and suggested that they start up the grill. Steve agreed as he offered to do so; irritated, Zarah pointed towards the grill as her and Izzy followed behind him.

"Flame on," he said quietly to himself as the grill roared to life. Letting a laugh out, Zarah turned to Izzy with a look that she knew all too well.

"Alright, he can stay."

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