Excuse me?

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The trees passed by quickly as Bucky speed down the country road; nothing but green flat farm land for as  far as the eye could see. The smell of bonfires, flowers, and just general fresh air made its way to his nose; the way the trees provided natural shade along the road amazed him as well. Driving down the desolate road almost made him want to move away from New York.

Bucky was on his way up to Asgard, Minnesota to help Steve plan during the last month before his wedding to his girlfriend Isabella. Steve had told him so much about her- how she was such a kind, loving, and bubbly person. He had also told him that Isabella had an older sister who was the complete opposite; the sister was more introverted and rude and just overall a mean person until she opens up and becomes comfortable with you. Bucky prayed to the gods that he wouldn't have to meet this sister.

Bucky looked to his phone as it displayed his route; groaning, he realized he had hit a dead spot in terms of reception. Pushing out a sigh , he slicked his hair back and ripped the phone out of it's holder; pulling over to the side of the road, he stepped out and held the device up in the air in hopes of getting at least one bar.

Getting a single bar, Bucky smiled as he quickly screenshotted the map and climbed back into his car. Seeing he was almost there, he commited the last few miles to memory before he threw his phone into the passenger seat. Merging back onto the country road, he sped back down the road faster than he had before he had stopped.

Before he knew it, the city sign welcomed  him to Asgard Minnesota, and soon after that he was pulling into the small town. Right away, he saw that Main street held almost all the major shops; a car repair  shop, an ice cream parlor, a small grocery store, and what looked to be a tourist shop. Instead of searching for the Cafe, he decided to stop and ask for help; seeing as how he still didn't have many bars to look it up.

Bucky pulled into the auto shop and climbed out of his car. The air was thick and sticky and he felt as if he was drowning in water. Was he actually in Minnesota? There is no way their weather was this bad. Shaking his head, he shed his flannel and threw it back into the car before looking to the car shop. Rolling the sleeves up on his long black shirt, he tried his best to keep himself cool.

The shop was a small grey building, maybe big enough for three separate vehicles and a small office that was attached. Loud music floated through the open garage doors, he assumed it was to hopefully keep the place cool as often times cement buildings really drew in heat.

"Couldn't you mess me up, get in my head, steal my t-shirt, wreck my bed all night long like you used to-" Bucky walked closer to the middle garage door, seeing as there was a  small black car with the hood up; he assumed someone was in there working on it. Walking around the car, he saw a small brunette woman hunched over in the engine compartment of the vehicle. She had on a blue jumpsuit that was covered in stains, her black boots looked either shiney from being brand new or were slick with fluids. Her brown hair was tied back into a semi messy braid as the tail end was tucked up into the main part.

"Excuse me," Bucky tried to speak over the music, but hopefully not loud enough to startle the poor woman.

"Jesus Christ!" she yelled, almost falling out of the car as she stood up and faced the man before her. Bucky realized that she was incredibly beautiful; she had a few loose strands of hair framing her grease stained face, her brown eyes held a certain spark to them that Bucky was instantly drawn to. Her rounded face was sprinkled with freckles all across her nose and cheeks.

"Is there a reason you're in my garage?" her harsh tone broke him out of his thoughts as Bucky shook his head to rid them of his thoughts as he plastered a smile on his lips. Nodding, his eyes continued to take in her beautiful features, despite the fact that her perfect brows were now furrowed in irritation.

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