Gone Shooting

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"We going shooting today?" Zarah asked eagerly. Everyone sat outside around the patio table, eating breakfast. The scent of sausage and coffee mixing well with the dewy morning air. Bucky was still in awe of how peaceful it was; no passing cars, no sirens, people yelling. The only sounds were that of cows mooing from the neighboring property, and any sounds Zarah made while working on her cars.

"Steve and I were going to run to town to grab some fake flowers from Sarah's, but you and Bucky can," Isabella offered, smiling sheepishly as Zarah's smile fell. After yesterday, she didn't want to be with or around Bucky; she didn't want to make any thing weirder than they had already become.

"Have you ever shot a gun?" Zarah asked, her voice flat and filled with annoyance as she continued to push around her remnants of eggs. Bucky scoffed and nodded as he sipped his orange juice. When no reply came from Zarah, he cleared his throat and confirmed.

"Yeah I have. My sister Becca served and when she came home, she taught me how to shoot." Bucky recalled, smiling softly as he remembered the day Becca came home; he had been so excited and nervous to see his sister after months with her overseas. He was even more excited to show her the tattoo he had gotten on his upper arm; it was of a red star with a grey background, the shading made it look as if he had metal plates on his arm. The tattoo itself stretched up onto his shoulder and halfway down his bicep; while wearing a shirt, it was completely covered.

"Hm," was all Zarah said as she stood up. Collecting her plate and glass, she made her way inside; once the patio door shut, Isabella sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before looking to Steve. She looked sad and almost defeated, which broke Bucky's heart as she was such a sweet girl that seemed to have been stuck with such a rude sister.

"Relax Izzy, she'll come around. You remember how long it took her to like me after we started dating?" Steve said, trying his best to comfort his fiancé. Isabella sighed again before nodding; giving Bucky an apologetic look, she smiled to him as she stood up and collected her dishes.

"I'll talk to her Buck. I don't know why she's being this way," she sighed, gripping his shoulder in a reassuring manner as she too walked inside.

"Zarah!" She called, sighing as she dropped her glass in the sink before leaning against the island. As her sister rounded the corner, she stopped on her tracks as she saw the look that Isabella had on her face.

"Oh god, what did-"

"You have got to be nicer to Bucky, Z. Im serious. He's Steve's best friend and the best man, so you'll be walking with him down the aisle. He's going to also be here for the next month, so be nice," she lectured, her normally soft features hardened as she stared down her older sister.

Zarah sighed as she dropped her head. Izzy was right, she was being particularly hard on the poor boy. She was scared to open up to him; last time she opened up to a man that she found attractive, he ended up cheating on her with Natasha. That's the main reason her and Natasha broke off their friendship; Zarah felt that she couldn't trust her, especially around any handsome man that she had any sort of feelings for.

"I can tell you think he's good looking, but ease up on the attitude please?" Isabella asked again, her chocolate brown hair being pushed behind her ear as she looked to her sister once more. Zarah nodded as she picked her head up to look at the younger girl; giving in, Zarah nodded as she pushed a sigh out.

"Thank you, Z. Who knows, maybe you two will become the best of friends soon."

Laughing, Zarah shot her sister a look as if to say "yeah right" before walking back outside. Looking the two men in the eyes, Zarah flashed Bucky an evil grin.

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