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"Holy shit we have one more week until we get married!" Isabella screeched, looking to Steve from across the island. Smiling, Steve leaned over the counter and kissed his fiance tenderly, smiling into the kiss before parting and continuing to scramble the eggs for breakfast.

"Hey, you two, get a room," Bucky yelled from the living room, chuckling as he pulled Zarah closer into his side. Steve rolled his eyes and pointed the spatula at him.

"Hey, you should be the one talking." Steve laughed.

Ever since Bucky and Zarah slept together three days ago, Zarah's become more comfortable around him. She's let her guard down finally and Bucky couldn't be happier. She's been more open about everything, from how she's feeling, to finally showing him her homebody side.

In the three weeks that he's been in her home, he didn't know that she wore glasses. He didn't know that she was getting constant headaches with how often she was wearing her contacts. And the night that she stayed in his room, she had slept in her contacts. As a result, she's been wearing her glasses almost every day now, much to her protest due to her bruised nose.

"Since when was the last time you were this close with someone other than me?" Isabella teased, sipping her coffee tenderly as she curled up on the barstool. Shooting her sister a look, Zarah rolled her eyes before letting out a soft laugh.

"You should know Iz, he was once invited to the wedding before that red headed devil swooped in and took the good for nothing bastard," she sneered, laughing again to try and keep the mood light.

"Speaking of which - Buck, have you met the rest of the party?"

"Hm no actually I haven't." Bucky recalled, moving to walk towards the kitchen to dish up breakfast. Grabbing a plate, he quickly piled on the eggs and bacon, before handing the plate to Zarah and grabbing a plate of his own.

"My other groomsmen are going to be my friend Sam Wilson and another close friend, Tony Stark. Izzy's girls are Wanda Maximoff and Yelena Belova."

"Wait, you and Stark still on good terms?" Zarah questioned, her face twisting into confusion as everyone piled outside. The sweet scent of morning dew still brought a smile to Bucky's face as he sat down in the damn patio chair, unphased now by the small pool of water.

"Apparently so. He was holding quiet a grudge against me for years apparently. After some conversation over a couple of beers, we're good now,"

"Wait, I'm lost. What the hell happened?" Bucky asked.

"Few years ago, Tony Stark and I got into a bit of a tousle. His parents had gotten into a boating accident and he half blamed me for selling them a faulty engine. Just after Izzy and I got engaged, I invited him to dinner with a few drinks, all on me. We talked and he found out I wasn't the one who sold the replacement engine. So all was forgiven." Steve recalled.

Bucky nodded and mulled over the story; this Tony Stark man seemed a little arrogant and ignorant towards Steve, or at least he used to. Bucky had a feeling that he may not like the man, but would just for the sake of the wedding.

"Let's call everyone up and have lunch! We have enough room here, I can pull out the picnic table from the car garage!" Zarah exclaimed, a smile lighting up her features as Bucky looked to her. His heart swelled with happiness; he loved the way she smiled, how her cheeks would push up and her eyes would close. The way her smile always seemed to brighten any space; it was a stark contrast to when he first met her, to him thinking that she never did smile with how grumpy she always was.

But now that he gets to see her smile first hand, and so frequently now, makes him think that she felt the same way about him as he felt about her.

"Why not dinner? We could all have a few drinks, let the party get to know each other?" Steve suggested, sliding his phone off the table and unlocking it. Nodding, Izzy and Steve quickly tapped on their screens, slight smiles on their faces before Isabella giggled.

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