Wedding Day!

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"Is everyone ready for the rehearsal?" Isabella yelled throughout the house, her anxious tone echoing through any empty spaces within the home. Heavy footsteps bounded down the stairs as Zarah appeared; her normally messy hair was now braided and tied back into a low bun, a few strands coming loose to frame her face. She wore a dark green dress, the sides open to show off her lack of a tan. The front crossing across her chest, showing off all her curves.

"Don't look so miserable," Isabella laughed as she took her sister in. She had cleaned up nice; no grease or oil stains in sight. Isabella knew she had spent almost all night scrubbing her hands raw in efforts of getting the stains out.

Steve and Bucky came from the same hallway, both men wearing clean button down shirts and black slacks; Bucky wore a dark blue while Steve wore a white shirt. Adjusting his cuffs, Steve looked up to his soon to be wife and seemed to fall in love all over again.

"You look amazing," he whispered, spinning her around. Isabella couldn't help but giggle as her dress spung with her, the A-line moving as if it was a dress made for a princess. Her puffy sleeves and scoop neck showing off her chest while also leaving much to the imagination.

Steve's smiled reached his eyes as he looked to his bride, the pure adoration and love he had for Isabella making Zarah gag as Bucky walked to over to admire her. His heart pounding in his ears as he saw just how beautiful she was. Her smoky champagne eyeshadow making her eyes pop.

"You- you're so beautiful," he muttered, smiling widely at his girl. His hands going to her waist as he kissed her painted lips softly. He marveled in the fact that she still tasted of vanilla and mint, the taste alone making his heart race faster. He was amazed at well her nose had healed; any remaining bruises were easily covered with her makeup.

"Alright, let's go! Mom and Dad are already there!" Steve yelled, clapping his hands. Nodding, Zarah and Isabella were quick to grab shawls and their purses before making their way out the door. The slowly setting sun already painting the sky in hues of yellow and gold; Taking Zarah's hand, Bucky helped her up into Steve's truck before kissing the back of her hand.

"Such a gentleman," she whispered, her smile reaching her eyes as a small laugh left her lips.

"Only for my best girl," he teased, kissing her hand once more before climbing into the passenger seat.

The ride to the venue was quiet, everyone anxious for the next day as Zarah and Isabella conversed quietly in the back seat, the occasional bout of laughter bringing a smile to both Steve and Bucky's faces. Looking to each other, they smiled and nodded, both knowing they were as happy as they will ever be in a moment like this.

Pulling into the parking lot, Steve and Bucky were quick to get out; opening the back door, Steve held his hand out for his bride, helping her out of the lifted pickup. "My love," he greeted, kissing her tenderly. Giggling, Isabella returned the kiss, feeling as if she was on cloud nine.

"Whiskey," Bucky greeted, doing the same as he helped Zarah slide out of the truck. Her smile in that moment could melt the coldest of hearts, bring a dead man back to life, or make a fool of a man with how enchanting it was.

"I adore you," kissing his cheek, she looped her arm with his as he lead her down the walkway to the beach, the exact spot that the wedding would be held the next day. The walkway and grass already semi decorated with the chairs and aisle runners. At the end was an arch, already decorated with lace, flowers, and silk.

"Steven!" a cheery voice rang out, looking to his left, Steve saw his mother approaching them, a smile spread across her red painted lips.

"Hey mom!" Steve greeted, letting go of Isabela momentarily to hug his mother. Squeezing his mom tight, she pulled her son away and held him at arm's length, a tear falling from her eye.

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