Such A Tease

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When Zarah meant on the down low, Bucky had no idea she would tease him on the down low. Every time they were alone she would sulk over to him, look up at him with her big doe eyes, and lean close to him as if she was about to kiss him. And at the last second possible second, she would move away before going back to her sister and Steve.

She would come up behind him and grab his ass, smacking it before walking away with a smirk on her face. Never in his life did he ever think he would come across such a secretive and wild woman. When ever they were in front of Steve and Izzy, she would always revert back to bullying him. Calling him "City Slicker", and ignoring him as much as possible, other than a few playful smirks shot his way.

For five days she teased him. Five days of wedding planning with Steve and Izzy, shared glances and smirks from Zarah, and many stolen kisses. Each kiss they shared riled him up more, making her consume all of his thoughts every time she looked at him.

He wanted to talk to Steve about it, see what he had to say about everything, but they made a promise to not tell anyone; although he had a hunch she had told her sister as the looks she gave him were looks as if to say she knew.

That night, the four of them were gathered around the bonfire, each with a beer in their hands as they watched the sky flood with oranges and blues. Watching as fireflies began to come out and fly around; their little lights lighting up what darkness had taken over.

Zarah, Isabella, and Steve were all talking about the wedding, what needed to get done and what needed to happen when; but all Bucky could hear was Zarah. His mind was consumed by her, by the way her long wavy brown hair was pulled into a loose bun, the way her eyes scrunched at the corners as she smiled lovingly at her sister. He watched as her hand wrapped around the neck of the beer bottle and how her lips wrapped around the opening.

"I'm gonna go have an early night," Bucky grumbled as he stood up, adjusting his pants slightly to avoid his erection being seen.

"Doing okay pal?" Steve asked, standing up and looking to his friend concerned. Nodding, Bucky took one last swig of his beer before tossing the empty bottle into a large bin. Making his way inside, he walked past the food that had been previously prepared; the extra burgers and Hot Dogs that they would all be snacking on the next day taunted him. Sighing, he opened the fridge and took a few grapes. Popping one into his mouth, he walked into the living room and past all the family photos.

Walking down the short hallway to his room, he closed the door and locked it, pushing out a breath as he began to slowly undress himself to try and rid of the smell of the bonfire smoke. The scent of strawberries from Zarah's vape lingering in his nose as he stripped down to his underwear. The slower he took his clothes off, the harder his erection became as he began to think of her once again.

Climbing into the black and red satin sheets, he shifted to get comfortable and began to move his hands around his body, imagining as if it was Zarah's small and delicate hands instead. His own hand ghosted over his erection, sending a shiver all across his body as he sighed. Rubbing his hand across his still clothed cock, he began to imagine how it would feel with her on top of him, grinding and begging for him.

Pulling his dick out of his boxers, he wrapped his hand around his hard length and began to pump slowly, thinking of how it would feel to have Zarah riding his cock, hearing how she would moan and beg for him. Pumping faster, his head fell back further into the satin pillow as he could almost hear how she would call his name.

"Bucky," her whine rang through his mind as he began to pump faster, pre cum dripping out of his swolen tip. Collecting the drops of juices, he continued to pump quickly, but this time with more ease. A groan left his pink lips as he imagined how her head would fall onto the pillow, her mouth agape as he pounded into her. He couldn't help but think of how her hair would frame her face and make her look like the goddess she was.

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