🦋*Chapter 3*🦋

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*Chapter Three: Esme Wrote a Letter to Spencer and Had a Escape Plan/Trina and Ava in the Art Gallery*
*The new Week*
* Saturday July 15, 2023*
*At the Spring Ridge Prison*
*8:00 A.M*
*At Esme's Prison Cell*
She in her cell with a prison mate, and she laying down on a uncomfortable wooden hard bed and she is wearing her orange prison jumpsuit with hair is in the ponytail, and she had handcuffed her her wrist and it's gently wrapped up tightly.

She looks at the ceiling with no explanation of no emotion on her face, with no regrets, or no remorse.

She in the jail cell after all the turn of events that she did, and the pain and all the misery of her actions that she costs the individual's lives, futures, and etc.
She framed Trina Robinson for her spiteful and cruel crime that she committed.

Josslyn and Cameron's private moments was exposed and she decided to frame her for it.
Trina was innocent, and she wasn't even recorded them that night, and Trina wasn't sure what happened to her, and but she was unwilling drunk and don't remember what happened.

Trina was wondering why she was framed, and she didn't do anything wrong and she was innocent but Josslyn and Cameron believe that she was innocent but Esme wasn't sure that, she had been doing some horrible and spiteful things and actions that very unforgettable and disgusting.

So, she looks so evil and spiteful too, but she can still acting so innocent, but it's didn't work at prison.

So, when she gets up in the prison cell, she had a prison mate, and her name is Nelle Benson, and she's ex girlfriend/wife of Michael Corinthos, and she's a mother of his Son Jonah.

Nelle is committed into prison sentence of a crime that she did commit.

She tried to had Micheal Killed in the car crash, she made Carly to go to the institution, she decided to destroy the Corinthos/Quartermaine Families!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nelle Benson wants to had money and accounts for herself, but she wants Michael's money and he wants him to herself and she wants to him and Jonah to be a one big happy family together.

But it's definitely doesn't work for her.

So, she's in prison now and never come back out!!!!!

She been sentence for 4 to 5 years!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, now Esme Prince met her match, and they are the villains of Port Charles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, right now, she in the investigation room where she had one hand in handcuff attached to the table, and she was thinking about something that Spencer needed to be here, and she wants him to talk to her about everything.

She decided to write a letter to Spencer, and she began writing a letter from her to Spencer.

And she's 3 months pregnant with his father's baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So she's writes him a letter and had a evil smile on her face.
*The Letter to Spencer*
~Dear Spencer.
It's me, and I decided to write this letter to you because I was thinking of you coming to see me and I want to apologize to you and the individuals that I costed your lives into a living nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to confess to you that I've been cheated on you with your father, and keeping it a secret too, and now I'm pregnant with his child, and you're going to be a brother of our child!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in 3 weeks and three months pregnant and I want you to forgive me for everything, and I hopefully we start over.
It's a terrible mistake, and I do regret it, but I hope you read this letter!!!!!!!!!!!
I still love you!!!!!!!!!!
~Esme Prince
After she wrote a letter, she decided to give to the prison guard and she had a evil smirked on her face, and she decided to thinking of the escape plan.

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