Chapter 3: Arrival

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Beta read by Shigiya and DOOMRAIDER.




--Hogwarts Express-

One thing I learned about Hermione was that the girl talked fast. She also spoke quite eloquently for a child her age, each word coming out of her mouth being related to coursebooks, spells and charms like a non-stop machine gun. The entire time I just smiled and nodded my head, pretending to have understood everything she said and even throwing in a few "I understand", "Of course" and "I didn't know that".

Though I didn't mind her attitude, I could see that she was having fun with someone who could actually keep up with her… for now. I was not delusioned enough to believe that I would keep being potentially the smartest in my future classes for long. I was an average learner and not a savant by any means, just a mostly 'regular guy' who tried his best, while she was a genius who also worked hard… it was merely a matter of time. I most definitely possessed a vastly better mental fortitude, but that was a skill I gained by means I never wish to go through again.

Though, there was the flaw if Hermione just memorised things but didn't try to take the time to understand them. This could be very dangerous in the wizard world, but again, I didn't know what kind of learner she was and I might be worrying for no reason. She still was just a child who would grow up and adapt with time and the many tribulations her group would face in the story.

Speaking of groups, Hermione brought up the name of the Boy who lived.

"Have you heard, Harry Potter is on this train?"

"Sure, think I caught a glimpse of him earlier." I really didn't, but she didn't need to know that.

"Fascinating, right?" said Hermione. "I know all about him, of course—I got a few extra books for background reading, and he's in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century."

"Quite the superstar, ain't he?"

"Well of course, considering his history with 'He who must not be named'. Can't believe I got to see him."

Then why weren't you sitting with them? Weren't you supposed to join the duo and become the legendary trio of Hogwarts?

"Don't take this the wrong way, but why didn't you sit with them then? I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind having you for a chat. Given your keen interest in the boy, that is."

"Well, I first wanted to help Neville find his toad, then I saw you perform magic and got curious. I think Neville is searching from the other side so he should have met Harry Potter by now." Explained Hermione, making me wonder how such a simple thing actually changed the plot so drastically. I didn't even do anything aside from taking my seat away from everyone!

Maybe Neville caught Ron performing that 'Turn this stupid fat rat yellow' spell. I felt a nagging feeling in my head when I thought about the rat, maybe a forgotten memory from my past. Given how popular the movies were, there was no shortage of spoilers being thrown at me by both my friends and just surfing through the internet. Perhaps one of them mentioned something about the rat, again, I never really paid much attention to them. After all, how would I have known that in the future my ass would end up in the exact world? I wasn't even that big of a fan in the first place! I was merely curious about the hype and had other things to worry about.

'I barely remember the second movie and didn't see anything after that… maybe a spoiler one of my past classmates or friends revealed about the later movies.'

A thought for later.

Back on topic.

"Fair warning, don't talk too much about his past. Harry may be the 'Boy who lived' but he was just a baby back then. I doubt he remembers anything from such a young age, let alone enjoys talking about an individual who murdered his parents."

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