Chapter 8: Fly

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Beta read by Shigiya and DOOMRAIDER.




-Slytherin dorm-

Today was finally the day where many would live their dream. A feat of magic desired by many readers of the Harry Potter universe and even those who didn't know anything about the book. Something they have been looking forward to learning, more than anything else.


Yes, we had our first flying lesson of the year and I couldn't help but fidget at the thought of flying anywhere I wanted without anyone stopping me once again. Yes, again, because this wasn't the first time that I used a broomstick. Both Draco and I once sneakily bought regular flying brooms and flew across the sky to the Muggle world. Due to our inexperience and lack of knowledge on how to fly and how to maneuver correctly, I nearly crashed headfirst into a helicopter. Fortunately, I was saved at the last minute by Draco and decided to venture back to an area where there would be no flying planes or helicopters.

If would be quite pathetic and depressing if either of us were to die by getting hit by a helicopter of all things.

But it was a fun activity.

Some people might argue that the floo powder was better as it instantly teleported someone to their desired location. But this was not about traveling from point A to point B, it was about the experience of it all.

Though I did wonder about one thing…

"How the hell do people mount this thing for hours?" I said while sitting on a broomstick, the thin wood being extremely uncomfortable to my lower part. Even with the charms to increase the rider's confirm on the broom, this feeling wouldn't last for long and would soon get replaced with pain.

"My balls hurt." I never truly got used to this feeling and could never fly for long. At that point, I had garnered a large amount of respect for horseback riders.

"My butt hurts in my case, I can't believe people ride these brooms and play quidditch as well." said Theodore as he tried to find a comfortable way to sit on the broomstick as well. "Those people are definitely wearing some sort of padding under their bums."

"Right? Wait, what if I bring a pillow for my but and attach it with a rope?" 

"Not sure about that, if it were so easy then every Quidditch players would be using this method." spoke Blaise, reading the latest 'Daily Prophet' on his bed. "Apparently, some poor fool broke into Gringotts' vault 713 and didn't steal anything. Like, why go through all the hassle if the thief could have easily stolen a few thousand galleons in the process."

Ah, Quirrell and his goal of acquiring the stone led him to break into one of the most secure vaults in Gringotts. This feat alone spoke volumes of his magical prowess and skills. Some would argue that the bank had pathetic forms of security out in place as they allowed an unknown criminal through, but these people didn't understand the length goblins would go through to keep their vaults safe. It wasn't that the bank's security was weak, Quirrell was just a highly skilled wizard who managed to break in with the help of Voldemort most likely.

"Don't speak like that, imagine if the criminal really wanted to steal wealth, then he would have broken into one of OUR vaults." 

"You're being too paranoid, Jarius. Who would dare mess with our families' vaults? Much less anything associated with your house." 

I shook my head at Theodore's naive way of thinking. Just because we were one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight houses, didn't necessarily keep us safe from being the victim of such ploys. 

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