Chapter 6: Classes part 1

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Beta read by Shigiya and DOOMRAIDER.





Our first classes were quite lackluster.

The first day of classes consisted of simple introductions to the subjects we would be learning for the entire year. Every teacher was quite relaxed and patient with our first-year batches.

This week, we had finally gotten our time schedule. Each number would represent the hours of classes we would have.


1 Potion

3 Herbology

2 Defense Against the Dark Arts


2 History of Magic

1 Defense Against the Dark Arts

2 Potions

1 Transfiguration 


1 Flying

2 Astronomy

3 Defense Against the Dark Arts


3 History of Magic

3 Transfiguration


1 Astronomy

3 Charms

1 Flying

This was the timetable for the first years and since today was Tuesday, I found myself in a dark classroom learning about the history of magic—a fascinating subject in my opinion.

Surprisingly, we didn't have a normal teacher for this class. Instead, our teacher was a floating ghost who wore old-fashioned glasses and even a suit. Cuthbert Binns, that was the name of our teacher. According to some of the rumors, the man died naturally while falling asleep on his desk after his teaching lessons. Even in death he never stopped his job of passing on crucial knowledge to the younger minds—Now that is dedication.

Some of the students found his class to be boring, since this was our first class he was giving us an introduction into magic itself and how it works. First of all, there was a reason why some wizards found muggles to be inferior and a blight to the wizarding world—because they couldn't use magic. The ability to wield magic itself was a hereditary trait passed on from our ancestors to us. We inherited it instead of learning it from scratch. Though they were cases of Muggles wielding magic by having a long related ancestor being a witch or wizard. 

'Basically, magic is an innate gift that cannot be learned or unlearned' 

I knew that many of the purebloods believed that having our lineage mixed with muggles could even risk us the loss of magic-wielding. Some said that our magic would grow weaker and our blood less pure. 

Which was absolute bullshit considering many of the characters I had seen in the movies who weren't from pureblood families display feats of magic superior to anyone else—Hermione was a good example where she got her ability to use magic through recessive genes from one of her parents. 

There was an interesting notion about half-bloods and Muggles in my family. According to Lucius, the Blacks were prejudiced against half-bloods, not the Malfoys. The Malfoys are only prejudiced against muggle-borns—though I'd argue otherwise, but I think he meant that we were more accepting of them compared to others—in summary, my family looked at the glass as half full, but the Blacks looked at the glass as half empty. And what do you know, Narcissa was another good example of that.

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