Chapter 14: Quirinus Quirrell

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Beta read by Shigiya and DOOMRAIDER





My schedule was getting quite filled these last few weeks. Perhaps it was because I was now so busy with Quidditch practice five evenings a week on top of all my homeworks, magic practice, one could hardly believe it when the realization dawned on me that I'd already been at Hogwarts for two whole months.

It honestly felt like I had just arrived through the castle doors yesterday. The passage of time went by so quickly when I was so focused on my life here that it became kind of scary to me. A part of me wanted my current life to continue on this way forever, but I was well aware of its impossibility. If anything, I needed to get used to the passage of time and take action against the looming danger of Voldemort and Quirrell this year.

I hadn't done anything suspicious in his class, always doing my best to learn as much as I could from lectures on dangerous mythical creatures and the many dangers lurking deep within the woods. True, constantly hearing his stutters was getting on my nerves, I think the only students taking his lessons seriously was just Hermione and me.

Quirrel never punished or scolded any of the lazy students nor those who never did their homeworks, so everyone just stopped caring for the class and most just came to pretend to listen to the teacher while hastily finishing their homeworks given by other teachers.

'Why would he bother, his sole goal is the stone and this teaching role is nothing but a disguise.'

Credit where credit was due, Quirrel did correct and hand back the homeworks both Hermione and I handed over. He always added tons of notes, details and remarks on each line, making sure to always carefully explain each of his corrections with tons of details.

He may be a puppet controlled by one of the most dangerous and heinous persons in the wizarding world, but he was a damn good teacher.

It just grinded my nerves knowing that we would get that incompetent man, Gilderoy Lockhart. A con artist, a fake, show off and a fucking waste of time.




I woke up from my deep thoughts from that familiar stuttering. Looking around, I found that in the dark and cold room of the class, there was only Quirrel and I present. The others had already left class for their third period break. If I remembered correctly, our next class would be Charm magic.

"Ah, sorry sir, I was distracted." I said sheepishly, taking all of the books on my desk and putting them in my bag hurriedly.

I liked the man as my Dark Arts teacher, he genuinely had passion about the subject. Like a true Ravenclaw, he sought knowledge but, unfortunately, got poisoned by a parasite.

"I-I ap-appreciate th-the e-ffort b-both you and G-Granger put i-in m-my class. It's not everyday I f-ind s-uch g-gifted students."

Hugh, that stutter was going to be the death of me, knowing that it was fake only made it worse. I knew he wanted to showcase a weak and cowardly persona to everyone, but couldn't he have gone for something better? A fake limp, being too clumsy and airheaded worked far better than this.

"Thanks, Hermione is a natural learner and thrives to learn every bit of knowledge she can from magic. I, on the other hand, find the knowledge of Dark Arts and creatures belonging to the dark side of the Wizarding World to be important—you never know when this knowledge might come in handy. And also because I find this subject to be cool." I explained, catching the teacher by surprise with my long explanation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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