Chapter 11: First Attempt

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Beta read by DOOMRAIDER




-Underground chambers-

There it slept, the great monster which looked like the guard dog of Hades—a literal Cerberus. Its size alone filled the large chamber, barely giving it any moving space. Even while sleeping I could see the gigantic claws and fangs of the beast, its snores slightly shaking the air around me. How Hagrid could tame such an intimidating creature went beyond my understanding. And he named the damn thing, Fluffy, of all things!

'Maybe he raised it as a pup.' A most likely possibility, I read about the Three Headed Dog species, they are fiercely loyal to their master and would even go against dragons to protect them. 


It woke up, I could see his eyelids slowly opening and staring straight at me, traces of drowsiness still present inside them. 'If I continue to stand here like this, Fluffy will eat me alive or rip me apart.' Dumbledore did not lie about there being deadly places in the castle, he warned everyone during the sorting ceremony.

"Dobby, do it now or else I will die." I said calmly, the potion still running its effects on my being. If I had come here without drinking it, I would have surely panicked and just run away from the room. Even now I could feel the chill slowly creeping up my spine, the potion remained active but some of my emotions of fright bleed through.


A harp appeared beside me with Dobby nowhere in sight. The house elf in question probably hid himself somewhere, frightened of Fluffy being present. He also brought another item I asked for, a broomstick. Aside from using it for one of the obstacles, I didn't know if I could return outside without there being an exit door or retracing my steps. Any long fall would hinder me and make it impossible to leave. 

A beautiful melody started playing with the music instrument's strings moving on their own. A feat performed by Dobby, of course. I remember from the show that the dog couldn't resist the sound of music and just like I hoped, his opened eyes once again started to close and Fluffy fell asleep once again.

"Thanks, keep playing the harp for the next hour, I'll be back soon." I whispered and slowly tiptoed myself across the dog's large body to the trapdoor behind him. 'Hugh, it stinks!' The beast's breath just smelled awful. If Fluffy had moved his legs a bit, then I would have been thrown across the room and probably have my ribs shattered. 'Alright, no need to think about negative outcomes and tempting fate.'

After finally reaching the other side, I carefully opened the trapdoor behind it and much to my worry, saw a long drop below into the darkness. 'Good thing I have a broom.' The trio fell and didn't break their legs in the movies as the 'Devil's Snare' cushioned their fall. 

Taking a deep breath, I jumped inside.

With the wind rushing against my face, with blood drained from my face as I saw the trapdoor getting farther and farther from me with my fall lasting a few seconds. 

"Shit! Shit! This is too much!" Falling through the air, I couldn't help but yell. It wasn't long till I landed on a soft bed of vines which saved me from becoming a bloody stain on the ground.

"That was close." Immediately, long black vines which looked like slimy back tentacles wrapped around my limbs. The feeling disgusted me to no end, thankfully, I wasn't getting agitated and merely had the feeling of throwing up. "Just what kind of twisted fetish does Professor Sprout have to design such a trap?"

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