Chapter 7: Classes part 2

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Beta read by Shigiya and DOOMRAIDER.





Hogwarts castle was an enormous territory which expanded upon many acres of land. It was impossible to imagine what feat of magic was used to hide such a place from the highly curious eyes of the muggles. Magic was the answer but what I wanted to know was how exactly they went about to do it in the first place.

Any non-wizard coming close to the place would only see an empty ruin with a small board warning them from going any further. But would people even listen to such signs? Of course, they wouldn't! I could just imagine some wannabe archaeologists wanting to study the place despite the warnings and risk their lives like Indiana Jones, or how those horny kids you see in horror movies come out camping here and end up getting hit by a Densaugeo in the face!

I know that was one of Draco's favorite spells as it wasn't lethal but merely caused the victim of the in hex to have their front teeth elongate at an alarming rate. I know how it felt, I had to clip my front tooth which grew a foot in length and trust me that shit was painful as hell. After that, I stopped going easy on Draco and rained hell on the poor fool. I used Intrant Expellens, which if translated to English would be; Entrail-Expelling Curse.

Let's just say that our mother wasn't pleased with our state in the end.

Oh, wait! I was getting distracted by the beautiful view of the terrain that I nearly forgot the person I was dragging behind me. We did get a few weird stared from the other students, though no one stopped us.

"Hey, let go! You're hurting my hands!"

Oh right, I immediately let go of Hermione and she massaged her wrists.

"What is wrong with you!?"

Wrong question.

"No, what is wrong with YOU."

"What? T-There's nothing wrong with me."

As expected from an eleven year old. She couldn't even lie while looking at me straight in the face. Her tone was shaky and even her bossy tone was gone. Her entire demeanor changed as if she was trying to act normal but failed miserably to do so. We barely knew each other for a few days, nevertheless, I recognised the signs of when someone tried to lie to me.

And I could think of only one person responsible for her change in attitude.

"Was it Pansy?"


"It was her wasn't it," her silence was more telling than any words. "Let me guess, she approached you when we first got taken to our dorms and belittled you for being a Muggle-born and threatened you to not hang around with me. She probably even insulted you by calling you a good for nothing mudblood who didn't belong in the Slytherin. Just how much of what I just said was accurate."


She remained quiet and I knew this was a bad sign. If I kid stayed quiet for too long like she did, they would most likely end up crying. The last thing I wanted was to deal with a crying girl.

"Listen, I told you we were friends, right? True friends support and help each other out when they are in trouble. You shouldn't be bottling everything up and become a stranger to me. You're a clever girl, you must know that if you continue acting this way, Pansy will only be more aggressive with her treatments. The best course of actions during such moments is to always seek help from those you trust and even though we met recently, I do consider as a friend."

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