Chapter 9: Preparations

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Beta read by Shigiya and DOOMRAIDER.




-Draco PoV-

His brother was odd.

No, weird would be the best description.

For as long as Malfoy remembered, Jarius was born to be his opposite. With a personality that tilted towards the extreme more often than not, something which differed heavily from himself.

Father and mother treated his brother with a lot more leeway compared to him—like if they didn't know how to handle him in the first place. Jarius was born with more talent in magic, and with far more control over it. Draco still recalled the days when cups would break daily and how his brother splash their parent's faces with tea. Even now he felt mortified over thinking of doing anything remotely similar against his father and mother, but Jarius didn't seem to care—nor did he fear them.

In a way, the boy was jealous of his brother… At one point, he even resented him.

He had had showed that dissatisfaction to his twin a lot of time. Not bothering to hide anything from the beginning.

Jarius didn't care though.

He'd stick to him like glue, rarely leaving his side and always indulging with "fun" games and reading him books about magic, wizards and other tales during bedtime. Whenever he screamed, insulted or even treated his brother badly, the latter never seemed to care. This made Draco feel even worse, he felt horrible and disgusted. Jarius never once looked down upon him for his weaker talent in magic, always praising the young boy and treating him like a little brother—even though Draco was born first.

He also has a keen interest in the Muggle world's creations. Especially those weirdly drawn characters Jarius called anime.

"Draco! Come watch with me the latest episode of Hokuto no Ken! You're gonna love it!"

Much to his chagrin, on more than one occasion, was Draco forced to watch an entire season of a particular anime that Jarius somehow got his hands on. Even father was beginning to suspect some of the house elves to be in cahoots with him, leading the former to conduct a week-long inspection which he came empty-handed. Even mother was getting headaches with dealing about this whole fiasco.

"Hey look, I stole our father's wand! Let's play with it a bit."

That incident nearly made father lose his temper beyond reason, when he found Jarius picking his nose with our ancestral want. It was the first time Draco had seen his father run while shooting curses at his brother. It took the combined strength of mother and all of the house servants to calm him down… only to have his wand snatched once more and for the chaos to begin anew. Mother laughed about this event till this day while father looked just about done with life. Those were one of the few times where his fear towards the man would be forgotten, turned into a child just laughing at his father and brother's antics.

Draco once again marveled at how fearless and stupid Jarius could be at times.

Unfortunately, his shenanigans didn't just stop with torturing father at a daily basis.

"Hey, what do you think if we secretly opened a howler in the middle of Diagon Alley while it shouts Voldemort non stop?"

"Don't you dare!"

It was at that point had Draco decided to just stop his brother from further endangering their lives any longer. Granted, he barely cared about the lesser wizards and half-bloods out there, but this was too much. These howlers could be traced back to them and might even get the ministry involved; which meant their father would come after HIM as well!

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