Chapter 5: Sorting part 2

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Beta read by Shigiya and DOOMRAIDER.






You know… one could assume that life was indeed strange. It could never be straightforward and always have mysteries lurking around each corner of our lives. Some events could happen without any reasons and beyond our understanding.

But nothing happened without reason, there was always a driving factor behind each action happening in existence, randomness was just a concept created to try and comprehend the complexity of existence.

Some would look at it like a butterfly effect, everything that happened at this moment was due to the domino effect of a past action, decision and object who themselves were influenced by an even further behind event. A butterfly that I let loose in my hand could have caused a tornado on the other side of the world, as to whether a certain man chose the blue pill or red pill could have changed the course of the entire human civilization.


Just where was I going with this?

Oh right!

Why is Hermione Granger, the girl who was literally the main reason why Harry and Ron survived for so long in the movies, sorted in Slytherin!?

Was my speech on the train that strong? Did I accidentally perform the legendary talk-no-jutsu without realizing it?

It would seem so... But maybe other factors as well which I didn't pay attention to?

Well yeah, now that I think about it, she did embody the Slytherin traits of cleverness, ambitiousness, resourcefulness and even determination. But her moral compass was the complete opposite of a regular Slytherin and the concept of blood purity still remained a major aspect for the members of the house! You could be the dumbest, stupidest, most wasteful kid in existence, but as long as your parents were pure bloods and you actually believed the concept—then you'd still be chosen as a Slytherin.

I'm not sure if it was Salazar Slytherin's fault for having the aspect of blood purity become more important than the four other traits, or if it was the fault of the future generations—but it will definitely become a major hurdle for the girl.

She was not the Hermione I scarcely remembered from the third movie, she was still an eleven years old girl who wanted to blend in. I remembered the scene of her crying in the girls bathroom when Ron talked bad about her.

"I'm going to Slytherin in the end as well."

'And why am I freaking out? It's not like the kids in the Slytherin House are bloody murderers and criminals. Most are just mean, snobby and arrogant kids who needed a good spank or two—Hermione will be fine.' I'll just deal with her case like I planned to do for most cases…

By completing winging it! It didn't fail me so far... Who am I kidding, I'll most likely need to plan my moves carefully now that I'm in Hogwarts.

"Longbottom Neville." Before he could go up, I quickly came to his side and offered a side hug to the confused and terrified kid.

"Hey man, good luck out there! You look like a true Gryffindor to me, so show me what you got." My prep talk was met with confusion, while everyone was waiting for him to go up, I had secretly slipped the toad inside his pockets. Thankfully, he didn't feel the extra weight inside his robe and the toad itself was asleep from a sleep charm I induced on it.


Honestly, I always judged him more of a Hufflepuff.

"Malfoy Draco," called Professor McGonagall in the front. He strained his robe and gave me a nod. I returned the nod while patting his back as encouragement, not that he needed it in the first place with how he confidently walked in the front as if he owned the place.

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