The first date

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The next day I heard a knock on the door, I put my cereal down and walked over. When I opened the door it revealed the one and only Charlotte.

"Hey, Char." I sent her a wave. "Ready for school"

"Don't you dare 'hey Char' me, tell me the details!"

I explained the story to her while we walked to school and she smiled throughout the whole thing. "Gosh, I wish I found someone like Henry."

Once we arrived I unloaded my locker into my bag while the hopeless romantic spoke to me. As I turned around I was faced with Hayden.

"Hey, Hayden." I said and smiled "Hey Y/n do you happen to have the Spanish homework. I didn't understand it and class is next period. Could I copy maybe?"

"Yeah totally!" I took out my bag and gave my papers to him. That's when I felt two hands wrap around my waist and my head lean into the crook of my neck.

"Hey, Hayden." Henry said sleepily, "Hey Henry." Hayden replied, he sent me a wave and went his own way.

"Aww you too are so cute, it's making me sick." Charlotte said and then looked at me again "alright see you guys at Lunch."

"You know Henry, I don't find it fair how tall you are." He chuckled, his breath hitting my neck and making me smile.

"Mr. Hart are you ready to attend our first class."

He groaned and let go of my body allowing me to start walking leaving him in the dust "hey wait up"
He chased after me.

We walked into class took our seats and revealed our homework to the teacher. She gave us 5/5 points per usual.

"So are you going to Work later?"

I nodded at his question and he smiled, "thank God I don't think I can be around Ray alone again."

"Are you still going on about this?"

He sheepishly looked at me "yes! He made me sing to him."

I laughed and thought about what that had looked like "man I wish I could've seen." He rolled his eyes and class started.

"Alright, Ms. L/n will you please come up to the board and write the first answer."

After class ended I went my own way, I and Henry had different classes until we have lunch.

~Time-Skip to lunch~

I took my seat in front of Charlotte with my plate of food. Today's menus were a bit lame "I can't believe they got rid of the nuggets."

Charlotte shrugged "didn't they have microplastic inside of them."

"I mean yeah but they still tasted delicious."  I sighed picking at my French fries and over-watered broccoli.

I looked at my phone to see a message from my other friend Hailey asking if I could help her move her room around.

"Charlotte I can't go to work later, I have to help my friend with something."

"Alright, I can pass it on." I nodded and passed thanks.

Moments later Henry came and slid next to me on the bench "sup my bros."

"Hey Henry, where's Jasper."

Just like that Jasper was summoned and sat across from Henry. "Guys guess what."

"What" we all groaned knowing it would be something stupid.

"I got a new badge for being an extreme bucketeer"

"Wow, Jasper... that's great," Charlotte said sarcastically making Jasper look down at his food.

While Jasper and Charlotte were busy talking Henry turned to me.

"Hey Y/n I was thinking, would you maybe want to go on a date tomorrow night ... I mean now that we're together." He smiled

"I'd love to Henry." I looked at my watch and saw that my next class was in a couple of minutes "I have to go I'll talk to you later!" I kissed his cheek and got up from the bench.

I had visual art next and I'm doing a portrait of myself, everyone says it looks great but in mine, it looks terrible.

I want this class to be other 😩✊

~Time-Skip to after school~

I walked to Hailey's house excited to see her. Hailey goes to a different school so sometimes we get really busy and can't meet up.

I knocked on her house door and walked in "Hey Mrs. Autumn, is Hailey upstairs?"

"Yes, she is dear." I smiled and speed walked to the stairs leading to her bedroom. When I got to the top I opened her door and saw her panting as she tried to move her bed.

"Here let me help you" I dropped my bag and went over to her. "Dude where have you beeeennnnn" she groaned as she pulled the bed.

"I had school duh" I used my back to push against her bed, my socks slipping on her hardwood floors.

"Mhm, whatever."

~Henry's POV~

"Why is Ray making us do this." I sighed as I looked at Charlotte.

"I don't know, he said we don't have to move it all today though." She sighed

Ray walked in talking to Schwoz about some nonsense "Hey Ray I was wondering if I could take tomorrow off."


Charlotte walked away from the chair she was sitting in, moments before she said she was going to go upstairs. "Henry is going-"

"Don't tell him anything!" I yelled at her to which she put her hands up and walked into the elevator Right before the elevator doors shut she screamed "he's going on a date with Y/n"

" AWWW NAWWW." I put my hand on my forehead and turned back to see Ray and Schwoz raising their eyebrows with a smirk.

"Yeah sure .... So kid where are you going?" He said smirking still.

"Not sure yet, I'm letting her decide what she wants to do."

"Ehhh is that so." He said

"Yeah, I'm a pretty goooodddd guy," I said while looking up to the ceiling.

"So what are you gonna pay with," Ray asked Me.

He didn't realize that I snuck $100 from his pocket moments before. I walked over to the tube and made it come down.

"I'm gonna use the hundred I took from your pocket."


"Up the tube." And with that, I was on my way home with only Y/n on my mind.

~A/n ~ kinda short chapter but the next will be better ❤️ also not edited

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