BreakUp up with me, I dare you.

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(please read the author note at the bottom, thanks)

5 months have passed, and Henry and I are going through a rough patch in our relationship.

It all started a week ago when he was helping Charlotte train for a fight that was going to happen in school.

We were in the man cave and Henry was being blindfolded.

"Why am I being blindfolded?"

"So you can't use your super fast reflexes," Ray responded while stepping back.

I grabbed a bowl of popcorn and stared at the three different men who apparently can teach Charlotte to 'fight'

Ray taught Charlotte some basic things and then she turned to try them on, Henry.

He stood there dumbfounded in his sweatpants and sweatshirt when all of a sudden Charlotte struck him in the chest causing him to fall over in pain.

After a while, I decided to leave.

Anyways fast forward 3 days, I was at my house when Henry came.

He was upset about something and I was trying to help him. Then he went into my closet and found some of the clothes I took.

For some reason, it threw him over the edge and he started to yell at me.

For the next few days, we've just been arguing almost every day.

Okay, fast forward to today.

I'm sitting in this cafe, the one me and henry went to for our first date.

I'm working on an art project for school, so far it's going kinda bad which is stressing me out. This week has been bad and honestly, all I wanted was for Henry to hug me or do some cheezy coming-of-age thing.

But Henry has been busy doing other things and has been ignoring me. I've texted him multiple times and I feel as if I'm annoying him and that's why he won't respond.

I decided to call him and this time Henry answered "what do you want Y/n?" he said in a sigh, "Uhm I just want to know if you wanted to hang out with me later. I'm having a bad week and id like to see you."

"Yeah sure I guess," he said, "okay cool see you later, love you, hun ."

And with that, he hung up without saying goodbye or I love you back.

I know we are going through a random ruff patch but I mean, I thought we could work through it instead of fighting all the time.

~Time skip to later that night~

I was sitting in my room when Henry finally walked in and flopped down onto my bed.

"Oh hey, Henry!" I said trying to be happy, and he responded with a groan. 

"Henry, if you don't want to be here you can leave," the way he was acting made it seem like he didn't want to be here so I made sure he knew he didn't need to be.

"Fine if you don't want me here I'll leave."

I looked at him with my mouth open a gap "Henry wait! I invited you here to hang out but you were just acting like you didn't want to be here."

He stared at me his lips in a pencil straight line and his jaw clenched.

He sat back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. While I turned to work on my homework again.

A Goodnight Kiss (Henry Hart x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now