A bloody mess

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⚠️Gore and suicidal attempts⚠️

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⚠️Gore and suicidal attempts⚠️

-Normal POV-

You were just sitting on the floor when being tied up to the table which was really annoying so you had nothing to do. It's been weeks since kokushibo kidnapped you which made you more anxious and depressed lately. So you were planning an escape to be free from this slaughter house. But you knew he was too strong and he's really fast so he could just catch you in a whiff...

"You know what..." You said.

Since you broke the rope just now you used the reaming to commit suicide by hanging yourself on the ceiling wooden plank.

"Goodbye yoriichi..." You siad putting the thing aroubd your neck crying a little bit.

-Kokushibos POV-

I was returning home from grocery shopping until I sensed my Y/N about the commit suicide.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

I ran as fast as I could back home before it was too late. Thankfully I was already close to home and I was running more than I've ever have in my life. As soon as I reached home I slammed the door open and I saw her kicking the chair but stopped when she saw me. She had this terrified look in her eyes because she got caught. I walked to her but she was yelling at me and squirming around I'm my grip which made me slap her. Hard. She stopped for a moment as I saw tears about to go down her cheek. She was shocked as she reached out her hand to touch the mspot i splapped her at.

-Readers POV-

This man is crazy... isn't it illegal to hit woman?! But no one cares... this man... I don't even wanna call him by his name anymore... I don't feel safe... not here... I need help...

-Kokushibos POV-

Inside I was boiling mad because she dared to commit suicide on me... she thinks she could get away from me... what a dumb girl...

"Why did you try to commit suicide... on me" I asked.

"You're saying it as if we were married! I don't even love you! You're just some... psychopath who kidnapped me!" She yelled at me.

That crossed the line...

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO YOURE SPEAKING TO?!" I yelled at her face.


I punched her in the face. (R.I.P Y/N) as I had a dark look on my face. She was terrified by my state.

-Normal POV-

You regretted on trying to commit suicide. A lot of thoughts were going through your head on what was gonna happen to you.

"Why... why me? What did I do?..." You asked tearing up.

He paused for a moment. Why you? What did you really do to capture his heart all fro this to happen? After a moment he walked towards you. Of course you were still terrified him so you backed away but soon backed up into a wall leaving no space for you to back up more. He just stared into your eyes peircing into your soul. Then all of the sudden he touched your face and got closer. You were started to get uncomfortable on what he was gonna to you. (Please help me this took a lot of nerve to do this part🥲) then he kissed you. (A, HELP ME I NEED HOLY WATAH) You we're disgusted y this man. You felt guilty for giving what he wanted as you two started to make out. You could felt him smirk under the kiss as you were disgusted and guilty at the same time. He grabbed into your waist so that you couldn't escape form him. And of course he put you on his lap. 

Author note: Alrigh bro I'm sorry for y'all simps for Kokushibo but I ain't doin this. First I'm ucomfortable and I'm underaged. Second I'm a little sad because my parents aren't getting along and my dad said that he's done so ye sorry for y'all 


You were feeling guilty after that moment and he was gone so you had time to see his secrets that he was hiding from you. First you went to his room. (Boy oh boy) Once you were looking around you found a picture on his table lamp. It was him with a woman and a kid smiling happy at a field. This made you sad and guilty. Not guilty, even more guilty. 

"This guy had a wife and a kid?" You said. 

And boy oh boy you were mad at him. That the fact he turned into a demon, now this.

Since you found out one secret he hid from you it was time for you to find more. And when you opend a random door you weren't expecting what you were seeing.

-Kokushibos POV-

It was night time and I was out hunting for some people. After awhile I did catch some humans but it wasn't enough to wash my hunger away.

Hopefully she doesn't find out I eat humans even though she knows I'm a demon...

-Normal POV-

⚠️Gore warning!⚠️

What you were seeing right now was 10 people having their eyes poked out of their face and the walls were all stained with blood. It was a horrible smell (Really I didnt know that) but there was more to the scene. One of the innocent people had their organs bit and just left in his stomach to rot as his heat was gone. His whole arm was broken off as his throat was slit. The other one had even more messed up things done to her. Her eye sockets were still dripping blood as her mouth and throat were slit. Then her legs we bit and her hands too. 

⚠️End of gore⚠️

Now that was the second secret and the last secret you wanted to ever see. You were traumatized by the scene you had just saw as you fell to the floor looking down at it. You were scared where the heart went of that human but maybe he just ate it... now you felt even more guilty that you made out with a human eating demon...

-Kokushibos POV-

I was walking back home after I was done with my hunt but when I opened it I saw my little Y/N on the floor. I walked up to her and hugged her but she pushed me away.

"What happened sweetheart?" I asked.


"What..." I asked.

"You were married right? Had a child... AND NOW THIS?!" She yelled at me.

I was pissed that she knew my secrets. She probably even found out that I eat humans...

"God dammit..." I cursed under my breath.

"Looks like someone needs to get punished...~"



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