I | Again

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You where awaken be the blaring alarm your roommate always set but never used. He'd always be up and out the door before it even went off. Just like every morning you jumped out of bed, but not in a pleasant way.

Your head hit the ground and you cursed at your ignorant roommate. Not like he could hear you though.

Getting up from the cold floor you stood up and pressed the off button on the stupid alarm. Crawling back into bed you closed your eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep. The minute your head hit the pillow the alarm went off again. You groaned, getting up again and hitting the off button again before crawling back into bed... again.

As you closed your eyes you heard it. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! You glared at the clock that sat at the other side of the room.

"Fucking mother fucker." You mumbled under your breath. Again you got up and turned the clock off again. You stood by it for a moment, making sure it didn't turn on again and finally went to lie down, hoping to finally get some more sleep.

This time you only had one leg on your bed when you heared it for the fourth time. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! "I swear to-" you took a big deep breath. Walking over to the outlet the alarm clock was plugged into, pulling the plug. "Try to wake me up now bitch." You said to the inanimate object.

You went back to bed and finally closed your eyes. Finally, peace and- BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! Your eyes shot open. "How. The. Fuck." You took the alarm clock and tried to press the off button but it didn't shut off. You tried pluging it back in then unplugging it, still it didn't turn off.

You took it off the stand and grabbed your baseball bat from the closet, using it to smash the alarm clock and it finally stopped. You laid back down, closing your eyes and resting.


Getting back up you sit infront of the alarm clock and stair at it, trying to understand how it was still functioning. You looked around for a main control switch, something, anything to get it to shut up. Eventually you ended up throwing it into a sack and then into the hall.

Checking the time on your phone you realize you wasted all that time trying to go back to sleep instead of getting ready, because it was 8:15, and class started at 8:20.

Your eyes widened and you rushed to get ready. By 8:17 you where out of the shower and clothed. You wore your normal etier, which wasn't all too normal in comparison to the rest of Auradon. You wore a off white ripped tank-top, with black ripped jeans, a military like green leather jaket and what some would call brown pirate boots. Your short h/c hair poked out from under your green beanie that matched your jacket, and chains and safety pins decored your clothes. By 8:19 you had brushed your teeth and at 8:20 you grabbed your bag and ran down the hall and out of the corridor.

By 8:22 you made it to class. "Mr. Pan. You're late. Again." Fairy GoodMother stated.

"By two minutes miss." You rioted

"Again Mr. Pan. That's the tenth time this month and we're only twenty two days in."

"Hey, that's kinda neat, I came in at 8:22 on the 22nd. That's a bunch of twos." You smiled, trying to get out of the trouble you knew you where going to get into.

"Don't try to play dumb with me Mr. Pan. Detention after school."

You sighed and slumped into your desk. At least she hadn't realized that this was your final detention before suspension-

"Oh wait." She stopped. 'Danmit' you thought. "My apologies Mr. Pan, that's a suspension for you, you've had 5 detentions in the past week."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice." You squinted.

"And I bet you're hoping I haven't noticed that this makes your 6th suspension of the year. Mr. Pan we are in November. You are going to need to talk with me at the end of class."

At the end of class you went with Fairy GoodMother to her office.

"Expelled! What do you mean I'm expelled!"

"Mr. Pan. You cause far too many casualties and far too much trouble in this school."

"This is insane! I can't afford to pay for rent in Auradon."

"Is that all you're worried about?"

"Yes! I mean who expects a 17 year old to afford a house in this day and age?"

"You'll be transferred to the isle Mr. Pan. By the orders of King Ben."

You're heart sank. "What."

"You'll be leaving in 3 hours. You have till then to pack up. If you resist or try to run we will have to send you there in a less civil way, and you will only be able to bring the bare minimum of what the guards pack for you. I suggest you go with ease." She says firmly.

You hesitate, "Can I say goodbye to my father?"

"Of course."

You went back to your dorm and started packing. You packed light, not like there was many personal items for you to pack in the first place. Clothes and pixie dust was pretty much all you brought.

After packing you went to your father's house to tell him the bad news.

"Dad I-"

"I know son."

"I didn't mean to-"

"I know son. It's not your fault. I should've been more careful in youth, then maybe I wouldn't have given you such a bad reputation, maybe they would've given you a second chance."

You gave him a huge hug.

"I'll find a way back to you dad, I promise."

"I know son." He held your shoulders "You stay away from those Hooks. You hear me?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Good. Those filthy pirates are-"

"Nothing but scum on the bottom of a boot. I know dad." You sigh, finishing his sentence. Truth was, ever since you where little you wanted to be a pirate, you wanted your dad to take you to Neverland so you would never grow up. You wanted to discover the seas and feel the wind fly agenst your body as you sailed far away.

"That's my boy." He patted your head and gave you one last hug, slipping his hand into your jacket pocket and leaving something there. The look on your face was a confused one but when you reached in, you realized what it was.

"Dad, this is your-"

He put his finger to his lip.

It was his dagger.

He walked you to the limo.

"Are those really nessisary?" You asked after placing your bag into the trunk, seeing a man come up to you with cuffs.

"I'm afraid so."

You sighed, putting your hands infront of you.

"One day you will see. I'll be back! And he'll will come with me!" You swore before getting pushed into the limo.

As the limo went passed the barrier of Auradon you thought of everything you had done to deserve this. It was more than being late to class a handful too many of times. You had blown up classes when trying to recreate pixie dust in chemistry class. You gotten in fights on more than one occasion. You spoke your mind even when it wasn't necessary. You didn't fit. You didn't want to fit.

That was your "problem"

When you reached the isle you got un cuffed and left with your bag. Villains where everywhere, and you gulped. You where fresh meat, a new selection, something no one here had ever seen.

Peter Pans son was now a considered a villain.


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