V| Eachothers Backs

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With half of a bottle of vodka and half a bottle of rum left, the two of you walked back to the boat. You were both quite tipsy, but another thing Harry had learned that night was that you had a high alcohol tolerance, so the both of you were both functional and could walk... mostly.

The two of you entered lower deck and Harry had a good look at your face and any exposed skin. "Bloody hell! Yer still bleeding." He realized before running to the bathroom.

"I'm all good Harry! It'll stop soon!" You holar to him, as you sit on the couch.

He comes back with a small bag filled with a bunch of stuff. "Ye got a nasty cut on yer shoulder, if it doesn't get cleaned and stitched you will get an infection." He grabs a needle from the bag and places it on the table before going to the kitchen for some water.

"That's something ya don't see here often I bet." You say pointing to the fresh bottle of water as Harry crouches down beside you.

"Aye, I only use it for wounds. Shipments only come in once a month and they're never enough. They say we're animals? Pffft, they're the ones that expected four hundred people to share a months supply for two hundred." Harry scoffs as he's preparing the needle and thread. He grabs a clean cloth from the small bag and holds it under your cut. "This may sting." He warns before pouring the water over the cut. You feel it run through the gash and down your cheek before collecting at the cloth.

You wince, he was right, it did sting.

"Er, sorry."

You chuckle and Harry gives you a funny look. "You've never said that word. It sounds odd coming from a pirate." You tell him.

"Would ye rather me saying 'suck it up ye wimp!'" The two of you laugh at his mockery.

He grabs the needle and before bringing it to your shoulder,
"Got anything to bite on?"
You ask. He looks around quickly, patting himself down.
"It's alright. I'll make something work." You take off your shirt, it was already covered in blood, what's a little more? Scrunching it up a bit, you place it in your mouth. Harry seems aloof, and you notice him staring at your chest and stomach.
"Wa, do I goth anofer cut or somethin?" Your voice was muffled by your shirt, and you look down where he was.

"Oh uh, no no, just a few marks and scratches, that's all."

You give him an odd look but think nothing of it. He was probably looking for something major. You nod your head, giving him the ok to start. He gets up and goes over to your left, where the cut was. He straddled your left leg and starts stitching the gash. You groan in pain, but try not to make too much of a fuss about it.

You bite hard on your shirt as Harry finishes up, leaning your head back and closing your eyes. When he ties the final stich up, you spit out your shirt. Still straddling your left leg, Harry reaches behind him and grabs the bag, searching for some gauze.

"That's not necessary Harry. I'll be fine." You resist, looking up and wipping the sweat off your forehead with the same shirt.

"Ye don't want an infection Pan. There's no hospital anywhere here." He insists.

You nod, allowing him to continue to put the gauze on your shoulder before putting a few bandaids on your chest where the scratches were a little bigger than just scratches.

"There ye are." He pats your other shoulder and gets off you.

"Tha- Uh, what do I say?"

"Manners can be a you and me thing I suppose." Harry chuckles and you join in.

"Thank you." You smile and he smiles back.

"Uh, yeah." He stops and gives you a light punch on the chest. "I'm gonna go clean myself up now."

"Sit down."


"You patched me up, I patch you up. It's called having eachothers back. After all I did take the beating for the most part, I'd hope we have eachothers backs." You smile with a chuckle. 

Harry chuckles, sitting down beside you on the couch. You lift his shirt and check for any cuts. Mostly a few bruises, but there where a couple of cuts. You placed a few bandaids on Harry's chest where they really needed it and one ubove his eyebrow where he had gotten hit pretty bad. After you grabbed a towel and soaked it before cleaning up the blood and sweat from his body.

"Uh.. thank ye." Harry said hesitantly.

You grin and pat his chest before crashing onto the couch.

You yawn. "Fuck, what time is it?"

Harry reaches for his pocket watch.

"Ya had that the whole time?"

"No, I got it from that big guy." Harry chuckles, "it's 1 a.m."

You sigh. "I hate going to bed this late. It fucks with my schedule."

"My apologies yer magisty." Harry says sarcastically, tipping an imaginary hat and bowing his head.

"Ha ha, very funny." You hit his shoulder.

"Ye should get some sleep."

"What bout you?"

"Sleep's overrated."

You chuckle. "Go to bed Hook."

"Yer not me dad." It was Harry's turn to chukle.

"Well I ain't going to sleep unless you do." You riot.

"Fine by me." Harry leans back in his position on the couch, resting his head in his arms that are raised above him.

You stare at him, looking at his face like it was the first time ever, and trying to remember all the little details. You didn't do it purposefully, it was more of a sub conscious thing. Harry just stared at the wall with his head held high, defining his jaw even more than it already was. His short black hair was messy, and some of it fell infront of his bright blue eyes.

As you studied him more and more, your eyes became heavy. Until, without either of you really noticing, the two of you passed out on the couch together.


Harry Hook x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now