X | Better Be Right

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Your eyes opened at the sound of banging on a door. You looked to your side and saw Harry's bare, toned, stomach. You froze for a second before hearing a second set of knocking. Harry jolted up and you sat up as he did.

"I'm up! I'm up!" He said, confused. "The hell?" He checks his pocket watch, 8:30. He groans and gets up, you chukle as he makes his way to the door. "What do ye want." He asks as he opens the door.

It was Gil, "Uma sent me to get you and Y/n." He says with a big smile on his face.

Harry can't help but to smile back, he gives Gil a nookie and pats him on the shoulder, "we'll be there soon Gil." He says before closing the door. Harry chuckles, "time to get up sleeping beauty." You groan and crash back onto the couch. "Come on Pan." Harry pulls on your arm and you play dead.

"I don't wanna." You whine. Harry chuckles again.

"Come on luv, Uma needs us."

"Luv?" You smirk, eyes still closed.

"Oh shut it."

"Ok, goodnight." You grin.

"Ye asked for this Pan." Harry says before it goes silent. You keep your eyes closed, but you're confused, asked for this? What did he-

Before you could ask yourself any other questions you feel a pair of hands tickling your sides. Your eyes shoot wide open and you start to laugh uncontrollably.

"Ok! Ok!" You laugh, "I'm- fuck! Haha! I'm up!" You scream. "Have mercy on meh!" You laugh.

Harry chuckles, he can't help but to with your reaction. He stops and falls over laughing.

"I'll give ya a danm reason to laugh Hook." His eyes widen and he stumbles to get up. He goes to run to his room but you're too close on his tail. You tackle him back to the ground and pin him there. Tickling his sides.

"Have mercy!" Harry laughs.

"Pans boy gives no mercy!" You say, continuing to tickle Harry until he turns red.

You stop and join him on the laughing, crashing on the floor beside him.

"We gotta-" you start out of breathe. "We gotta get ready and going."

"Yea- yea yer right." Harry catches his breathe and gets up, lending you a hand. You get dressed and so does he.

After getting dressed and grabbing your swords the two of you ran to Umas ship. When you got there, Gil and a few others where tying Ben to the post.

"You two are late." Uma greats.

"We got side tracked." Harry explains.

"Don't let it happen again Harry."

Uma walks off and Harry turns and faces you. "She's a bit nervous." He chuckles.


It was now almost eleven-thirty, and Harry was getting inpatient.

"Coochie coochie coo~" Harry says as he rubs Ben's lower chin with his hook. Ben gives him an odd look as Harry laughs. You chuckle at Harry's actions. "How's it feel being King now eh?" Harry asks as he leads on the post Ben was tied to.

Ben just stairs at him and Harry giggles with a shit eating grin before going around to the other side of the post.

"Give it a rest lad." You say getting up and taking his hand off of Ben's shoulder. "We don't want damaged goods." You sit across from Ben.

Harry Hook x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now